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Lisa (Wichita Kansas) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

i do regular coffee enemas. they keep my bowels clean, my face clear and give me energy, i have been doing them for 4 years now.
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Replied By Beth A (Usa) on 01/23/2022

Lisa, glad you left your comment. Please tell others of this wonderful home remedy!

I also do regular coffee enemas and other enemas. I have been getting coffee enemas for years. And feel wonderful!

a little bit about how I got started knowing of this wonderful home remedy….
I also gave enemas in my home, and in other homes, when needed.

Growing up in the late 50s the enema was given often in our home. it was a very common home remedy given by most moms then. The enema went away for awhile. It is coming back as a home remedy now. Moms realize the danger of giving Tylenol, OTC stuff and harsh laxatives. So are looking for natural alternatives.

My aunt was a nurse. Being 7 years older than my siblings and cousin, I remember the enema in our home, my friends home and my aunts home. Many times I remember my cousin being told he was going to be given an enema by her. He always felt better after getting it.

Glad you told of some of the benefits of the enema! I also feel cleansed after an enema. Agree about your face is clear and give you energy after the enema. I have the same feelings!

Not only does the coffee enema, and other types of enemas, do this but what is unique to the coffee enema is it detoxes the liver. That is the most important difference of the coffee enema compared to other enemas.

Good place to learn more is at Also called OHN.

or, read in book Prescription For Nutritional Healing.

I love natural healing and old home remedies. I do not take or give OTC stuff.

Years ago I worked part time for a holistic provider. Sometimes she ordered the coffee enema, or other type of enema, be given to a patient.

She had an exam room and treatment room in her home.
I would take the patient to the treatment room and administer the enema.

Other times the enema was given in the home of the patient.
Many times I would give an enema to the constipated child. Or to reduce his fever. Other times I would instruct the mom how to prepare and give the enema in the home.

I now work part time in a health food store. The enema, and especially the coffee enema, is asked about by customers often.

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Replied By Madelyn (Idaho) on 01/24/2022

Hi Beth A,

Any tips on giving a toddler (2 year old) a warm water enema for constipation?

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Replied By Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/24/2022

How To Safely Use Epsom Salt In Your Child's Bath & The Benefits (

I was given a lot of enemas as a child and had to use them as an adult. They are not very pleasant. Epsom salts make me feel wonderful and I have used a lot of it. Gardeners use it on food and flowers. Calcium and magnesium work like a pump, one tightens, and one loosens muscles. Most heart issues are from magnesium deficiency. Magnesium regulates the calcium. Most people are low magnesium, and it is very calming. Too much causes runny bowels, it draws moisture into the colon. It can be used as a foot soak. Milk of Magnesia is also good for constipation.

Can toddlers take milk of magnesia? - JacAnswers

Replied By Beth A (Usa) on 01/24/2022

Hi Madelyn, did you talk with a pediatrician or holistic doctor?

You could read on:

or read in book: prescription for nutritional healing


Replied By Caroline B (Indiana USA) on 03/24/2022

Madelyn, excellent information can be found at

Kristina and DeeDee there are wonderful. Very helpful. She has many health articles and videos. Also, sells enema bags and bulb. Enema soap, oils and EOs too.

another helpful source is book “prescription for nutritional healing.”

It has various enema solutions that are healing.

So sorry Charity found the enema to be unpleasant.
I never felt it was unpleasant. Yes, gives a full tummy feeling or urge to go potty.

cramping happens sometimes. I had the one receiving the enema relax and take deep breaths in and out of open mouth. When the cramp passed I resumed the enema.

As far as your two year old constipated toddler find out why he is constipated. Talk with your doctor, holistic provider, pediatrician, etc BEFORE giving him an enema. Ask provider or nurse for tips giving enemas.

My mom and aunt administered enemas in the home when needed.

Being the oldest one in my family by 8 years! I remember my siblings, cousins and myself getting the enema.

enemas were in my home and other homes.

I believe they are a good health tool. Better than giving OTC junk. Helps bring a fever down, hydrated, cleanses and helps with constipation.

I was taught to have the one getting the enema to relax. Tell him you will be giving him an enema and it will make him feel better when done. I was taught to take time preparing, giving and after the enema. Never rush the enema.
I found across my lap was one of the best position for giving an enema. Put towel on lap. Have him laying face down on tummy.

Make sure everything is prepared and ready for the enema. Then bring him to where you are giving it. That way you don't have to go and get something like Vaseline or other lube.

Other things help too. Such as
having the room warm. Offer privacy. Close the door. When possible I had the tv on for him to watch when getting the enema I found this helps him relax.

I also administered enemas on changing table, other tables. Massage table when had on there. Even a few given on dining room or kitchen table.

No interruptions! Turn phone off. Tell neighbor, who is always coming over, you will be busy for about an hour and half to two hours giving an enema.
If others are at home when you need to give an enema make sure thy can occupy themselves when you are busy. Or ask another mom to watch them while you are busy. I found good time was when others were off to school or napping.

I found it sad that Christy told the enema was unpleasant.

again, consult with your doctor about the constipation issue and before giving an enema.

Replied By Beth A (Usa) on 01/24/2022

Charity, I also got enema growing up.

sorry to read they were not pleasant for you. That is unfortunate.

Possibly, they were administered incorrectly? Too fast? Not taking time to give the enema slowly? Water was too cold or too warm?

Not being there, I have no idea.

Many like getting enemas for various reasons. One being the coffee enema to detox the liver.

I never had anyone I gave one to say it was unpleasant.

But, had many say they had a full feeling when getting it.

Hopefully, you expressing they were not pleasant will not discourage others from giving or getting an enema.


Replied By Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/24/2022

my nurse friend S, had a nurse friend E. She said when they were younger, her friend E gave everyone colonics, and it helped them all. I helped my nurse friend do a colonic a few years back. She had a lot of tough years in her health. She had a trauma she didn't remember, until she was past 60. It set her on a course of sickness, like me. I never forgot all of mine so I could work through it. Many people can't remember what they blocked out and it still affects their health. I did an enema most days for about 25 years. Food, air, and water were killing me. The watercure books put a key in the lock and helped me gain back a lot of ground. John Bergman and Eric Berg also shared a lot of insights with me. Earth clinic has opened some doors for me too. I have come a long ways and plan to overcome it all. I follow a lot of leaders . Sometimes when you get pushed off the cliff you discover you can fly. Blessings, charity

Replied By Sue W (Ohio) on 01/26/2022


When you helped your nurse friend a few years back, did she get a colonic or an enema?

Because colonics are given by a therapist at a treatment center/office.

I have never heard of home colonics.

Wonderful she was able to work through her past life.

Replied By RE (OH) on 01/25/2022

Hi Charity,

Just want you to know I love the last line you posted. I have read your posts for years and always enjoy your take on adversity. Thank you for posting on Earth Clinic.

Best wishes.

Replied By Beth A (Usa) on 01/25/2022

Charity, enjoy reading and learning from your posts and comments.

You should collect all of them and write a book. Many would benefit from your knowledge.

I have never gotten a colonic.
Have considered getting them by never got around to it.
Growing the enema was given often in our home and my aunt's home.
You told in another comment (recently commented) that you also were given enemas when growing up. And, unfortunately you found the enema not to be pleasant for you.

When you did enemas most everyday for 25 years were they unpleasant as well?

Have you ever gotten a colonic?

Did her friend E give a colonic or an enema?
When you helped your nurse friend a few years past, did you give her a colonic or enema?

Cause colonics, from what I have learned, are given with a special machine in a clinic. Never heard of home colonic.

When you helped your nurse friend do a colonic, did the cleansing (colonics) help her dealing with past trauma?

I have never heard of the enema or colonic helping resolving past issues. Such as trauma. I am going to read more on this.

It is proven that giving the child an enema will assist him in spells of bad behavior.

This is called Bad Gut Syndrome.

Can read more about it on Mandy's page at

Her article there is titled “Discipline or A Bad Gut? Repopulate”

She has other helpful pages as well.

Lived with my nurse aunt in the late 50s for a few years. She was a olde fashioned nurse. Who believed in natural healing, herbal remedies, and giving enemas.

Being 7 years older than my cousin I remember her changing his diet, stopping candy and sugars, when he had bad behavior spells.
During his bad behavior spells, tantrums, he would also get enemas. It was amazing to see how his behavior changed afterwards.
He was given a daily enema for about three or four days. Sure part of his behavior changing was the change in his diet too.
It is proven there is a direct link between the gut and the brain. And bad things in the gut can cause undesirable behaviors.

Back in the 50s the enema was given with the reusable rubber bulb syringe. I don't remember getting the bag one.

Possibly you were given the bag one and it was too much solution given?

After leaving home I continued doing enemas. Learned the coffee enema is very important to detox the liver.

Most important healing tool is praying and believing in the Lord. He will heal.


Replied By Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/27/2022

RE, I appreciate you taking the time to encourage me. I live among opposing factors, so encouragement of my thoughts is scarce, makes me stronger. My favorite line for life is that if you have the choice to respond with tears or laughter, then laugh because crying is a huge drain with little payoff. I can say though, that I read that if your mucus become the type the body can't process it will CREATE AN EMOTIONAL STORM TO MAKE YOU CRY and blow mucus out the nose. We are so much more complex than we realize.

Any seed planted in my soil has a harvest so I pray for you today that you experience Joy multiplied and renewed youthful strength with clarity, and as we hav~~rest (harvest) in winter, when spring hits this year you will find yourself rejuvenated beyond what you could imagine. Blessings to you, Charity

Replied By Beth A (Usa) on 01/25/2022

I also enjoyed the last line.

I am going to use it when helping others.

Thanks for posting


Replied By Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/25/2022

I appreciate the encouragement. I know I am here to sow seeds to help others but also, they are seeds for my tomorrows. I know of two books I am to write, and one is my testimony which may be a big book of crazymaking nonsense with truth as the lacy backdrop, yes of course it has holes in it! Truth is absolute but we are human and easily tricked by things that appear real. Then a book on dental healing miracles, I am so close to closing that situation that has caused so much pain for so many. I will probably enlist my daughter to help me write/edit; she has a master's in English and so does her spouse. What if we really do fly but we haven't figured out how to do it yet...kinda like manifesting all new teeth I, Charity

the final key in my lock > the more you try to get what you already have, the further away it goes from you

I love Kim Daniels testimony. Her blind grandma use to pay her to take her to a person the grandma wanted to shoot. My story is not that wild, so there is hope for me

Replied By Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/25/2022

My nurse friend S, ( Her spouse was a Kaiser OBGYN) owned an allergy clinic, and then expanded at a new location into an allergy clinic/vegan restaurant/health food store, owned colonic boards and equipment for patients and still had hers later in her home. I helped her when she was sick with gut worms> from not taking her hydrochloric acid. She had it set up when I got there to help her. She wanted me to help her because she was so weak. When our gut is low on acid, we can get worms and parasites. I was a friend she could trust with the key to her home and business. At first, I cleaned for her because I had been cleaning homes for income. Then I worked in the store /restaurant. Then I had my 2nd baby and stayed home and had another one. I didn't work after that. 1986.

I used the bag not the bulb for enemas and my upper intestine did not function due to lack of bile from cortisol production so I could run from the bear. I never gave anyone an enema; I only helped my friend do her colonic so she could lean on me to get her stuff and help her move around. I think her nurse friend E worked in the clinic but at that time I worked in the store /restaurant not the clinic side.

She did not work through her trauma because she was overwhelmed. She ran an allergy//clinic and then years after she closed it, she ran a care center out of her home. She impacted a lot of people's lives. She was a beautiful soul that loved everyone. Her trauma set her up, to not protect herself and that is not uncommon. It's like a deer in headlights thing with trauma, it freezes you in place. Working through trauma is not for the faint of heart. Facing goliath. As far as faith goes, I came back to mine through her friendship, and we went to lots of healers trying to get healed.

We both got healed of many things, but not all. She never went to a healer without a car full of people she was trying to help. She especially loved to pick up homeless people, wash their clothes and let them shower, fed them, prayed with them and took them to healers. Many of them lived in her home after she closed her care center. She would rent some rooms out and other rooms were full of homeless people. Some of them got crazy miracles. Then they would join the church we went to and bring a lot of their friends, because of the miracles. A miracle is not really a miracle, it is an agreement with what already is, that you didn't know, or think was real or possible. Agreement is the key in the lock.

As a catholic I never owned a bible, but she bought me a bible for Christmas one year. Andrew Wommack is my favorite verse by verse teacher. Healing journeys is part of his site that opened my eyes to truth. I own most of his books. I also follow many prophets and a new lady that is an apostle, Krick in the park ...she is teaching me some new things about healing.

I post on here as I feel led and also write notes to people as led. They usually keep them and reread them as they are inspired not by me but by power. I plan to write my books the same way, as inspired. Personally, I have no desire for money or fame, only that others can find truth and light and feel loved. Love is the greatest power. I grew up in a home that had not known what love was and could not give what they did not have. We have to seek if we want to find. I am learning. Blessings, charity

Replied By Beth A (Usa) on 01/26/2022

Charity, you are a wonderful person.

So glad you were there to help.

So many are thankful.

Love your comments.


Replied By Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/26/2022

HI Sue, my friend owned her colonic board. She set it up before I got to her house.

I remember another time when I went to go help her. She had been with this child that was in a bad situation and my friend was a thin person but always huggy and she caught head lice from this child. I had a magnifying light and took it to her house a few visits to pick the nits out of her hair. She loved so many people and wasn't afraid of how that would affect her. I don't know anyone that loved like she did. Selflessly. I have always been more guarded than she was. She passed in oct. 21. I'm sure she is dancing on streets of Gold.

She did not get healed of what was done to her as a toddler by her dads ranch hand and it affected her whole life. I try to help people find their courage to look at their trauma, but some cannot look because the pain is too great. Usually, they have health issues from the original trauma. I learned a lot of information on by grantley morris. I hope to help people get free and live in the Truth that they ARE amazing and powerful and beautiful. We are all SUPERMODELS. Blessings, charity

Replied By Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/26/2022

We reflect onto others who we are and as I read this reply, I see you are a wonderful person who helped so many with the most humbling experience of an enema to get improved health. I read that the coffee had to be specific to avoid toxins from the processing of the beans. I drink cheap coffee.

What brands have you used for enemas. Maybe a day in my future I will try the bulb coffee enema. I had hepatic cyst removal, liver surgery that failed and got worse the following week, in 2010 and in 2018 I was finally able to stop slathering it in castor oil multiple times a night and I am thankful for that. I felt like I was dying. The 30 cysts had more than 1.5 liters of liquid in them before the failed surgery and then grew back larger. I take desiccated beef liver so my body can attack the supplement and not my liver. After every test they could run they said it was probably auto immune. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I suspect the homeless drug addicts are the mightiest among us.

I pray today you reap a thousandfold harvest for every kindness you ever sowed in your lifetime and your bag will be so full that wherever you go it will leak out and touch the masses. Blessings, Charity

Replied By Beth A (USA) on 05/09/2022

Charity, hope you are doing ok.

I use organic, air roasted, coffee.

I buy it from


Replied By Beth A (Usa) on 01/27/2022

Wish everyone could be like you.

So helpful to all.

omg head lice! That would drive me crazy! Hate lice and parasites.

Well, it's life. Deal with such things.

Wondering…did the home colonics help her.

NBless her.

Sure you are missing her