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Mary (Los Angeles) on 01/12/2008
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I having taking ACV/Baking Soda, 2 Tbsp and 1/2 tsp respectively, twice a day for three days now. I've had weird feelings in my mouth, lips, and eyes. Then tonight, my face suddenly started to feel like it was burning and then my tongue and lips started to tingle. Now my whole mouth, including my teeth tingles and my eyes are burning. The face has cooled somewhat. I was wondering am I having an allergic reaction to this remedy? I've been checking my pH all day with a strip and it's been very good, not acidic, whereas yesterday, it was very acidic. So I'm so down because I was actually feeling so hopeful, and now this. I'm a little scared right now...thank you for your answers.

Replied By Mary (Los Angeles, CA) on 03/01/2004

Just wanted to say that once I took the apple cider vinegar out and took the baking soda alone as Ted suggested, the pains and burning in my face and mouth area stopped. I guess I was having a negative (allergic?) reaction to the ACV. Thanks to Ted. I also need to get the rest of the supplements and the potassium citrate to add to the baking soda and I will let everyone know how it goes. My pH has not stabilized yet, but it hasn't gone to the 5.0 range (where my pH was before starting baking soda). I've also started to drink soy milk and grinding my vitamins and I can't say for sure yet, but my hair loss does seem to be under control.