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Tracy (Frederick, MD) on 01/21/2008
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9/21/2007: Sandhi writes to Ted -- Just wanted to put in my .02cents. I was taking the ACV + Baking Soda tonic three times a day. It's ironic now that I think about it, the way our bodies talk to us, the last few times I took the recipe, (and I'm very used to the taste of the ACV/BS tonic) my nose would turn up at the smell, it smelled furmented, almost like old wine. Then I got a yeast/BV infection...and after research and trial and error, I realized that what Sandhi mentioned was true, too much BS can reverse the body's alkaline and actually make it too acidic. So, after curing the Yeast infection with Hydrogen Peroxide, yogurt and water (monostat DID NOT WORK) and quitting the Baking soda, I feel much better. Every once in a while if I feel heartburny I'll add BS to my ACV, but I skip the BS most days and just take ACV and feel much better~!

Replied By Sandhi (USA) on 09/21/2007

... I want to point something about the Baking Soda remedy for increasing the alkalinity of body. Unfortunately, this remedy worked for me in the beginning, as I noticed improved digestion, but then I noticed I came down with a chronic case of Bacterial Vaginosis. A fishy odor coming from the vagina. I have heard, women who are on Birth Control Pill get BV. But I have never used BCPs. Further reading, I found out that Baking Soda, and for that matter most anta-acids can lead to the depletion of B-vitamins in the body. ( including Folic Acid & B12). And no wonder Folic Acid is recommended as a cure for BV.

'I am taking Folic Acid ( 1 mg) and B-complex now, but the fishy odor is not gone completely! I am really stuck with this odor which I NEVER had before. So could it be, my folic acid levels are depleted and I am unable to get them to a healthy level. As of now, I am suspecting Baking Soda has done this to me. And I am abstaining from using it anymore. I would be interested to hear what other female users have to say about this.