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Kelitababy (Yucaipa, Ca, Usa) on 10/10/2012
1 out of 5 stars


I had heard how beneficial ACV was for acid reflux and other things, so I bought bottle from a health food store, went out to my car, opened it up and took a big swig. Disaster struck, I couldn't breath, the strong fumes from undiluted ACV force the epiglottis to close and I could not breath, I thought I was going to die right there, but finally recovered. Lesson learned.
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Replied By Cali (Usa) on 10/02/2014

It's never recommended to take ACV straight. It's highly acidic, which is why you had a bad reaction. Always dilute it with water (e.g. 1 tsp per 8 oz of water).
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Replied By Kyle (Vero Beach, FL) on 12/15/2014

Yea, taking a straight gulp of Apple Cider Vinegar is like gulping a glass of lemon juice. I am glad to hear you survived, that was a courageous move!
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Replied By Bryan (Texas, US) on 12/27/2014

hahaha! Thats awesome, no worrys I tried the same thing. The minute it hit my tongue I spit and was having difficulty breathing. Try mixing it with water.. but I just found it funny cause I made the same mistake lol
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Replied By Melodye (Illinois) on 09/23/2018

You can also take ACV in capsule form to bypass the esophagus if there's an issue there.