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Erynn (New Haven, Connecticut) on 03/11/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Sea Salt cure for Constipation. Works like a charm! Although I've tried this two ways. I've use epsom salt as well...but it is quite gross and you may throw up, so sea salt is much easier on the taste buds. It could take anywhere from 10mins to 2 hours. If its not working, try drinking more water...the salt is dehydrating your system!! This is probably the most comfortable way than taking a laxative. I tend to get cramping from everything else, ie sienna tea. sea salt is the way to go!
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Replied By Ammar (Charlottte, NC, USA) on 01/23/2009

How much salt and water do you use?

Replied By Shadoe (St. Petersburg, Fl) on 06/26/2010

I use 2 tsp of unrefined sea salt mixed with 1 1/2 to 2 quarts warm water. I was told not to "chug" it, but I do just to get it down. The last half glass is very difficult to get down. Within an hour, you are visiting the bathroom multiple times. I use this as a system flush for candida/fungus/bacteria, but it works perfectly for constipation.
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Replied By Lctao4 (Gainesville, Fl) on 07/27/2010

So, am I doing something wrong. I tried this and got dizzy and had to lay down for an hours. Felt awful. And now it's the next day and still no BM. I've tried the ACV, baking soda, senna herb, aloe. . . . And still nothing. I'm getting scared. Any help? I haven't tried the magnesium yet though.
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Replied By Haydee (Anchorage, Alaska) on 09/03/2020

Leave three prunes in a glass of water overnight. In the morning eat the prunes and drink the liquid. Do it everyday first thing when you get up.

Replied By Charity (Faithville, Us) on 09/06/2020

When the body is stressed by good or bad stress it goes into fight or flight mode and produces cortisol so you can run from the bear. While producing cortisol it has to rob peter to pay paul with water and nutrients and hormones. Then it stops all unnecessary operations like digestion. So your liver stops bile production and without bile you can't digest much, and it could cause gallbladder problems.

I take ox bile and it works wonderfully every time. No cramps. I also drink water, take minerals, eat good fats to help the liver produce bile and absorb fat soluble vitamins. ACDEF and K. I get my rest, say kind things to myself about how healthy I am and how well I sleep and how wonderful my life is . I get fresh air, sunbath and do yardwork and take walks. Love yourself, It will get better. Eric Berg helped me understand the most about my stomach issues. Free youtube videos.

Replied By Sylvie (La Ciotat) on 09/06/2020

Same problem, I have a megacolon because of lifelong constipation. At age 50 I finally found the trick for me; an enema pouch in silicon, with a long flexible tube, about 25€, reusable, easy to clean. Bought it on an internet site. So it's a "mechanical" solution, as drugs give me more of their side-effects than their official goal.

Replied By Connie (Slc, Ut) on 07/27/2010

Good Afternoon, Lctao4, from Gainsville, Fla. , Your strong negative physical reaction to the sea salt water may indicate that your potassium is low. Sodium and potassium have a "push and pull" relationship in the body's cells. If there is too much of one, movements of fluids and solids can become disrupted from the way of the cellular passage, as to the way of the intestinal passage. Potassium is a very active ingredient in foods recommended for constipation such as : blackstrap molasses, seaweed, honeydew melon, prunes, beet greens, etc. If you need a supplement, potassium bicarbonate or potassium gluconate can be very effective in the right amount for you. Magnesium can also be effective, in the right amount. Magnesium citrate is a good compound. Of course, the consumption of just enough fluids, fiber, probiotics, etc. Are recomended to us and they are helpful. I accidentally constipated myself recently by taking too many acids in my supplements. Ted from Bankok is correct, from my vantage, when he writes that an acidic condition can cause constipation. The causes are many, as are the treatments. ( Potassium Bicarbonate on an empty stomach also aids intestinal malaise and gas. ) Thank You EC, and may we all have gentle passages, Connie
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Replied By Godshealthlaw (Bourbon, Tx) on 01/22/2012

Some people are so backed up they have to have an enema to clean themselves out. If you are taking this and are still having no BM's an enema is needed. You can do it yourselves with a kit. Also walking and massaging the stomach in a left to right circle could help.