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Courtney (Wheat Ridge, Co) on 09/01/2012
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So, I recently tried the advice of Lulu on here to treat the trich with tea tree oil and diluting it in a douche. Oh lord am I in pain. It is burning horribly... Is this normal?

Replied By Tina (Houston, Usa) on 09/01/2012

The best thing I would recommend is getting some plain yogurt or kefir and applying it there, and leaving it for sometime for the burning sensation to lessen.

Plus the probiotics of the yogurt or kefir and good for you to absorb.

Good luck, T


Replied By Catherine (Tuscaloosa, Al) on 09/14/2012

Hi, I don't know if I am replying to the same thing or not. But I want to reply to the side effects or maybe someone can help me. The lady said she tried someone advice of using tea tree oil with a douce and she started to burn horribly. Well I tried using a syringe and I experienced the same thing. Well it wasn't burning that bad but it started to itch incredibly! Then my vagina has this hanging feeling like its pushing outward or something. I was doing this to treat Trich. I know I have trich bc I been diagnosed many times but the medicine they give me doesn't work. Hearing from so many people how tea tree oil works, I was desperate enough to try it. If this continues I don't think I'll try it again. I'm thinking maybe I pushed the syringe in too far or maybe I used too much and I did dialated it with water. Can someone help please??