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Lynnieme (Atlanta, Ga) on 09/01/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I am writing to thank everyone who introduced the cure for my underarm odor. You see, I've had embarrassing underarm odor for most of my adult life. I am now 33 yo. I was in desperate need of help since I was tired of the whispers and rude comments associated with this embarrassing ailment. I came to Earth Clinic for a cure since I've tried all of the commercial deodorants you could think of including the clinical ones.

Right when I was at my wits end, I decided to try a natural approach and thank G)D I DID! First I reluctantly tried distilled vinegar, ACV, Coconut oil, cornstarch and milk of Magnesium under my arms which all helped slightly but it was definitely not a cure for me. Next I decided to try BAKING SODA and much to my surprise it completely eliminated my BO on contact. I couldn't believe it! All these years of being plague with underarm stench came to a screeching halt all at once. I was so in shock that I didn't wash under my arms for two whole days and I still didn't have odor; HOWEVER I began to receive a severe rash under my arms that caused painful skin irritation. I was a bit saddened at first but then I realized that there must be something I could do to prevent the BS from irritating my skin.

I recalled reading a post on Earth Clinic about using diaper rash cream for underarm odor so I decided to try it. I placed the 40% zinc ointment (Maximum Strength from Wal-Mart in the Baby Care section) under my arms (at that time I used it as a barrier for the BS), placed the BS on a sheet of tissue and then gently dabbed it on top of the zinc ointment. IT WORKED LIKE A CHARM!!! The rash began to disappear and the odor became non existent. I would also like to share that there have been times when I only put on a thin layer of zinc ointment without any problems as well. I now only add the BS if I feel I need extra protection. If I feel I need triple protection, I use a scented stick of deodorant, apply the zinc and then dab the BS on top of it. I'm telling you... this WORKS!!!!!!!!!! I've been using this regimen for almost a year now and it still works like a charm.

**Oh here's another tidbit: When you are washing under your arms in the shower, DO NOT SCRUB UNDER YOUR ARMS when Baking Soda is present. What I do is raise my arm up under the water, let the water run under my arm and then I cup my hand under my arm to catch the water. When the water fills up my cupped hand, I gently splash the water under my arms until the Baking Soda has been completely rinsed away. Then I proceed to washing under my arms as usual. This should prevent skin irritation from the the BS.

I give All thanks to God for leading me to such a wonderful site. I really hope my testimony help others. God bless everyone. I know how debilitating this ailment can be and I wish you all the best. :)

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Replied By Linda (New Haven, Ct, United States) on 09/02/2012

Lynnieme, I had a similar experience with that irritating rash. Several months ago, I decided to replace products in my home with homemade natural ones. I've switched laundry detergent to deodorant and everything else in between over the past few months.

I found many recipes online for natural deodorants. Most had varying amounts of coconut oil, cornstarch and baking soda. I'd read that cornstarch could cause a yeast problem for some sensitive women and that arrowroot powder was an excellent substitution. I decided to use arrowroot, as I didn't know if I would have any problems with the cornstarch and wanted to be safe.

I mixed up a batch and began using it. Like you, I reacted to the baking soda with a red, burning irritation. I went back online to search for a solution to the rash issue. I found a site that recommended I rub the coconut oil alone onto my underarms.

Then it suggested lightly dusting the area with a 50:50 mix of arrowroot & baking soda on top of the coconut oil. I applied mine with an unused round makeup brush that was about 2 1/2" or 3" in diameter.

To help heal the rash that was already there, I began taking 1 tsp turmeric with a dash of pepper in my usual morning & evening protein shakes. I reasoned if turmeric was good for major skin issues (as mentioned on this site), it would surely work for the baking soda armpit irritation I had. Within 4 or 5 days of using turmeric, the rash began to heal and never came back!

The homemade deodorant works wonderfully. Please note it did take a full two weeks for it to work totally. Decades of deodorant and antiperspirant use clogs the pores. Heaven only knows what was trapped in there that worked it's way out over those two weeks! LOL

After this initial armpit "detox" period there was no smell whatsoever. I got through that period by applying my homemade product twice a day, washing and drying the armpit area thoroughly each time. Now, just once in the morning after my shower and I'm good all day!

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Replied By Anonymosaurus Rex ( Somewhere, Alone, Listening To Radiohead) on 09/03/2012

There's a blog out there called crunchybetty that has a few posts on her experiments in perfecting homemade deodorant. I'd seriously recommend people checking it out.

Also, have you considered using soap nuts for your laundry? I converted to them about 6 months ago and I swear by them! They are amazing!


Replied By Linda (New Haven, Ct, United States) on 09/05/2012

Thank you for the site. I'm going to look at it tonight.

As for the laundry, I am currently using 2 cups Borax, 2 cups Super washing soda and 2 bars grated Fels Naptha. I store in in a large container with a tight fiting lid to keep out the humidity and use just 2 teaspoons per load. It seems to be working fine so far but I will be on the lookout for soap nuts.

What sort of stores would carry them?


Replied By Anonymosaurus Rex ( Somewhere, Alone, Listening To Radiohead) on 10/05/2012

Sorry for the late reply, Linda. Soap nuts are available online through ebay sellers or mountain rose herbs. You could also try a local health food store or a food co-op. I'm not in your country, so that's the best advice I can offer. Hope that helps :)

Replied By Harper (Smyrna, Ga) on 10/15/2012

911 HELP!!!! I have been trying to find a REALLY good natural deodorant... I used a common BS recipe that MANY people/blogs/sites SWEAR by.... And made it for my son and friends and initially it was AWESOME!!

Baking Soda, Corn Starch, Coconut Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Other Fragrance/ES... Changed up the Coconut Oil for Shea Butter and once again with Coco Butter.. to no avail.

THE GOOD: Well, we didn't stink at all... Lol it does perform well in that aspect... Lol Even after extreme cardio/Run outside!

THE BAD: No matter which variation I used all of us (5) had irritation under both underarms. FAR WORSE on the left side though.
1. itching and burning after half of the day (ESPECIALLY AFTER A WORKOUT)
2. We are African American so our armpits turned the LITERAL CRAYON BLACK... And then began to shed skin... (GROSS) with burning and extreme sensitivity... (WHYYYY SWEET BABY JESUS! ?) lol

******CAN ANYONE HELP! ?******

1. Help us get our armpits NORMAL AGAIN?
2. And figure out what went wrong! ?
3. A really good alternative/natural rememdy that REALLY works?

*** The pain ONLY left when we went back to store brand traditional deodorants... :(

I even tried ACV w/lemon juice in distilled water!! HELP PLEASE!


Replied By Momma2boys (Pacific Nw, Usa) on 10/15/2012

Hi, The baking soda in the recipe actually irritates a lot of people from what I've heard. I just use virgin coconut oil by itself. It works great - I don't stink at all and this has been my deoderant for 4 or 5 years now. :)

Replied By Cris354 (Ny) on 10/15/2012

MAGNESIA MILK works better than anything. Comercial deodorants only works for 10 or 15 minutes on my skin, so I start using lemon juice, ammonia, coffe, peroxide, alcohol, borax, baking soda and cant remember how many things I tried. Nothing works for my stinking armprit and having clear, dry and clean smell in my underarm.

Replied By Trish (Los Angeles, Ca) on 09/05/2013

HELP!!! I too have a horrible rash from the baking soda. It started under both arms, it's finally down to one, but I've had it for 4 months!! I have tried tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar and coconut oil and nothing is working. Does anyone have a solution? Thanks!!

Replied By Sp (Wb, Nj) on 09/05/2013

Hi Trish, not sure if you're looking for help with the baking soda rash or the underarm odor. I learned about using zinc oxide ointment here at EC for underarm odor. Most deodorants give me a rash. Then I'd have to use nothing until the rash cleared up enough that I could use a mixture of baking soda and cornstarch. I use zinc oxide ointment now instead of commercial deodorant and I swear by it. Very gentle and effective.

Replied By Bev (Long Beach, Ca) on 09/06/2013

Hi Trish... I too, had the same rash from using baking soda. Read on EC to use Aloe Vera. I had some outside. Picked a large stalk, peeled the spines off, split it in half and applied it to my under arms. Did this everyday until it was all cleared. Did not take long at all. Good luck.

Replied By Devon (San Antonio) on 07/13/2015

You are such a Sweetheart! May God bless you always.