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Aftermath431 (Mountain View, Mo) on 08/04/2012

Hi. I have a MRSA infection just above my elbow. I have been on antibotics for about 2 months and its just about gone. Its a closed wound but doesnt seem to want to go completely away. The area is also pretty much flat just light red in color. Ive been applying silver gel to it for about 1 month, but dont know if its doing any good since the MRSA wound is closed up. So last night I applyed garlic I crushed and apllyed it to the Mrsa wound for about 8 hours. When I woke up and removed the garic the wound had indentation on it where the garlic was applyed and now the Mrsa wound is bright red almost like a burn, and slightly raised. Can someone please tell me what happened?
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Replied By Naomi (Chicago, Il) on 08/27/2012

Hi Aftermath, you've probably figured this out by now but it looks like a burn because it is a burn-(that is it's a type of chemical burn. I think that's the right term, I'm not exactly sure). I did something similar a few weeks ago, I've been on antibiotics for a month trying to cure a staph infection and tried some garlic topically on the infection for about two hours. Decided it didn't feel right and took it off, it was raised and red but within a few days scabbed up pretty regularly. Garlic burns can be bad, and after I did it (put fresh, crushed garlic on the site) I looked up how to make a proper poultice and they said no longer than ninety seconds of application to avoid burns. However, I did it for 30 minutes in a second application, and did not receive any burns. Tried it again for 50 minutes, and it was iffy so now 20-30min is my limit. Also, the garlic seemed to help the first and second time but not the third for whatever reason. I should try it again but am going to try colloidal silver first. Also, I'm not sure what kind of silver solution you are using but there is apparently a difference between colloidal silver (silver particles suspended in a colloid) and some other silver products- I have one that contains silver chloride, but it didn't do anything for me and I've found out it's not as effective as the other. Hope this helps. Thank you all for the wonderful website! My appreciation is beyond words.
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Replied By Aftermath431 (Missouri) on 07/30/2015

Update- after using garlic I crushed and applied with a bandage Several times a day. The MRSA sore went completely away after doing this for a few days or so. It did leave a burn mark but the MRSA went away. I can't say I'm a 100% sure that the garlic got rid of it but that's what seems to be the case.

Replied By Jennifer (Forked River, New Jersey) on 12/03/2015

I'm suffering, yet again, from mrsa. I thought if was a bug bit but went to the doctors and they told me it was staph. Yesterday, 10-2-2015, she drained it. Today it was much worse so I went back and she switched me to clindamyacin, from doxy. I heard garlic and turmeric are great to get rid of mrsa. How do I use these though? Can I take a garlic supplement or use fresh garlic in a smoothie? Also, if these do not work when should and how do I apply garlic to the wound? It's still very sore and open. Picture attached. I would really appreciate anyone's stories and help!