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Kentucky Mama (Clinton, Ky) on 07/23/2012
5 out of 5 stars

My 11 month old baby had diarrhea for several days due to teething. I knew charcoal would help, but he isn't much for cooperating with eating what I don't want him to eat. However, we spend all day keeping him from eating whatever he finds on the floor! I put a charcoal tablet on the floor in front of him. He ate it. I did this a couple of times that day and it really helped his diarrhea. If he took a bottle, I would have mixed 1/2 t. Of charcoal powder in 4 oz of water and given it to him that way. Everyone should keep charcoal on hand for every day things, especially accidental poisoning!
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Replied By Karen (Mi, US) on 02/04/2015

I was told from the health food store to never give an infant charcoal. Their little tummies are not as strong as ours.

Replied By Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/04/2015

Dear Karen,

I certainly agree that baby tummies are not as strong as adult tummies.

But to me that is all the more reason to use activated charcoal for babies when needed. Charcoal is a very gentle and safe remedy.

A common reason for someone to use charcoal for a baby is to stop diarrhea. Diarrhea is a leading cause of infant death worldwide. Charcoal is one of the safest remedies for this problem, it is inexpensive and easily available.

Below is a link with stories about using charcoal for babies, including endorsements/testimonies from MD's.

Charcoal for Babies

For any reason one might use charcoal in a baby (colic, diarrhea, accidental poisoning) charcoal may be the safest treatment available.

Certainly charcoal needs to be used responsibly for all ages. Using an excess amount could cause a blockage. Taking it near the same time as needed prescription medicines could render those medications ineffective. Using it when intensive medical treatment is warranted and available would not be responsible.

For over a decade I have used charcoal for babies, toddlers, children, and adults. I have always found it to be gentle and helpful.

Mama to Many~


Replied By Abbadackerygirl (Alabama, US) on 02/05/2015

I would strongly suggest you not feed charcoal to a baby, as one of the side effects is that it could cause diarrhea or vomiting.

Also, babies are much more sensitive, and in their small bellies, could cause a bowel obstruction, and you don't want that.

A bowl of pureed pumpkin is much gentler, and would help a lot. We use it in our clinics for dogs with diarrhea, and it's really good for your baby anyway. You could flavor it to your taste as well.


Replied By D (South Carolina ) on 02/29/2024

Trying this for my 21 month old who's been having green diarrhea for about 5 days now (one per day). His behavior is normal and he's taking in a lot of fluids. Tried giving him yogurt, bone broth, and bovine colostrum but the diarrhea keeps reoccurring. He's been drinking milk for a while without issue so unless the manufacturing process has changed I don't know what has caused this. Just broke open a 500mg pill and poured out maybe 1/6 or less onto a spoon going kind of based, topped with yogurt (he has difficulties with swallowing solids, unrelated to the diarrhea). He ate it up easily and drank milk afterwards. I plan to do the same but with pumpkin puree in the morning.
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Replied By CH (NYC) on 03/01/2024

Activated Charcoal is used in cases of poisoning of all sorts, not for a bacterial infection your small child seem to suffer.
5 days is way too long not to have a stool culture test done. Do it asap.
Please don't experiment with remedies, you child is too small. Meantime only home made food, not store bought.

Replied By D (South Carolina ) on 02/29/2024


he ended up getting constipated for almost 2 days and had diarrhea the second day. I lowered the dose and he had a more normal stool after that! Interestingly he's had a circle of dry skin possibly eczema on his thigh for almost a year and that went away after we did the charcoal and colostrum powder! It's maybe 2% there still

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Replied By Madelyn (Idaho) on 03/05/2024

Dr William Davis wrote a book called Super Gut. There are keystone probiotic species that are missing from over 90% of people's intestinal microbiome. Specifically, L Reuterii and B Infantis for your little guy would really help him out. You can make your own yogurt using those strains at home. The book has all the info. Good luck!