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Kylie (Whitianga, New Zealand) on 07/11/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Up in the Cook Islands a couple of years back I met an Australian woman who worked for a big pharmaceutical company in Aussie. We were talking about traditional remedies vs drugs, and she told me about a time that she had a massive cold sore and an Aboriginal woman stopped her on the street and told her to put ear wax on it. She admitted she didn't want to try it but I filed it away in my brain. Was surprised to see so many others on earthclinic have tried it and had success with it. I have no doubt if the Aboriginies use it that it must work, so just wanted to add a "yea" to the debate! Haven't tried it myself as fortunately I don't get cold sores but if I did I'd totally try ear wax first.
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Replied By Nathan (New Zealand) on 03/13/2014

I had an out break yesterday of genital herpes. I have been suffering for two years now. As when an out break occurs I end up trawling the net for anything to make my situation better. I read this last night about the earwax and was kind of interested. I applied it to the blisters this morning and within 3 hours noticed a significant change in my situation. Almost no pain. Within 6 hours all the blisters where the earwax had been had vanished not giving any a chance to burst and therfore not having to go through the whole scab healing process which totally sucks and is probably the worst part. By this evening it is as if I had never had an outbreak. This has taken maybe 10 days off the whole cycle which is a god send. I am actually still totally stunned at how effective and quick this has worked. TOTALLY RECOMMENDED. Better than anything from the doctor and health food shops by a mile. Natrual and free. Thank you to this site and all who have posted here. This is a game changer. :-)