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Deirdre (CT) on 03/08/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Yesterday I had several hours of strange, quite intense pain in my abdomen, around the gallbladder. I decided to try Ted's lemon and baking soda alkalizing formula. Within 10 minutes the pain was down 50%. Within an hour it had all but disappeared. I am guessing this was perhaps a gall bladder attack. That was the fastest response I have seen yet with a home remedy. No wonder Ted considers this one to be the best of all the alkalizing formulas... AWESOME! Thanks
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Replied By Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/01/2004

I am happy to hear about it. A gall bladder needs a lot of bicarbonates during digestion and they are one of the important components. If bicarbs are lacking, a gall bladder problem is possible. The vitamin c content neutralizes excess oxidation, and reduces the pain by both antioxidation and excess acidity which causes gallbladder pain.
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Replied By Tamra (L.a., Ca) on 01/15/2010

I tried this same lemon and bicarbonate cure when I was having symptoms of gallbladder pain and abdominal fullness. It really did help the pain right away, though it came back a few days later, however it did cause diahrrea for several hours. I have tried this several times now and each time it helps the pain but causes the diahrea. I also have IBS and fibromyalgia, candida I am sure, plus a Hx of cancer,seizures (not recently) and M.S. Don't want to take it daily if it is going to cause diahrrea each day. Is this a bad thing or could it be cleansing in a way I need? Thanks in advance