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Sb (Raleigh, Nc) on 05/11/2012
4 out of 5 stars

I want to share my experience! I just found out that I have shingles. Today is Friday, last friday I felt a few funny pains in my back and around my ribs. By saturday afternoon I had a lot of pain in under and around my right side/ribs. I think the location threw my Dr off because he was thinking Gall bladder. The blisters had not popped out on my back yet. That night in pain I searched gallbladder remedies and found one suggesting drinking ACV. I drank some that night and again in the morning. By noon the pain was abating. Also, the rash was coming out but it just seemed like a couple itchy bumps or bug bites. My back itched, I had no idea it was shingles so I scratched it. Since I felt better I didn't drink anymore ACV but today I noticed the rash had spread. I went to the Dr and he dx'd shingles! I can only believe that my symptoms improved so much because I drank ACV. My blisters only itch, they are not painful. I have Valtrex to take now and in addition to that I plan to continue taking ACV and also to put it on my blisters. I bet if I hadn't stopped using it I would be healed already!
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Replied By Gadgetgirl1733 (Clementon, NJ) on 05/27/2012

Wow! So glad I decided to do search for natural pain relief from shingles. I was diagnosed with shingles on 5/24/2012 after having gone a week with severe pain, that was thought to be muscle strain. I'd gone to Dr. week before with pain in my lower left back and was given Rx for Vicodan w/tylenol...few days later itching started and thought it to be from pain meds till noticed what appeared to be bug bites on area where pain was. When I went back to doctor because pain wasn't better I mentioned the itchy/bug bites... he then advised it was shingles and gave Rx for Valtrax and gave samples of Zovirax topical cream for rash, but said that it wouldn't likely bring any relief.

Ironically, I had just gotten a new bottle of _____ Organic ACV the other day, since I'd been drinking the 1T with honey in 8oz water daily. I'm glad to find that it's been helpful to so many here when taken internally and applied topically. Once I read that, I immediately applied to my areas of discomfort. I also made a mixture of manuka honey, EVCO(extra virgin coconut oil), and 2 drops tea tree oil, as each of these have natural anti-viral, antibiotic, and anti-fungal properties... Applied to the rash with cotton square and left on... I did get some relief from the pain. I will continue this along with antiviral, and pain meds prescribed.

Like many others have posted, sleeping was quite difficult the first few days I had pain and no rash, it almost felt like I had really, really bad gas!!! Sitting upright in chairs and even laying in bed was extremly painful. Thankfully I work from home and desk is setup in family room where I have two theater style recliners. Well the other day I couldn't take sitting in my work chair, nor could go through another work day and not take pain med until work was done. I slid the recliner from the wall and put it in recline positon, and let me tell you it was the MOST COMFORT I'd had since the pain started. I was able to use one of those lapdesk type things I'd gotten from Bed, Bath, &Beyond that has these two cushiony things on the bottom and set my work laptop on it. I was able to get through the rest of the work day with ease.

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Replied By Maria (San Antonio, Texas) on 05/24/2017

Has anyone had shingles in the ear?

Replied By Suzanne (In Ear And Posibly Internal Also.) on 08/20/2017

I thought I had bad ear infection, but was diagnosed with Shingles in ear! It was recommended to see what Dr. Mercola had to say on Shingles.

He said it was a virus and had to run its course. I had just a few breakouts on lip and lower face and few in scalp near ear. Manuka honey was highly recommended to put on breakouts several times daily. Cleared up pain and breakouts were gone quickly! But pain in ear is worse than anything I have ever had! Sweet oil for ear was also suggested, which is almond oil. Can buy at pharmacy or Amazon. It really helps. I also had some ear drops from Dr.

since Manuka honey is so good for viruses, I have been researching whether it could be warmed and put in far have not found answer to this question...

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Replied By Holly (Millersville) on 08/20/2017

Honey is sterile. I would personally try it in my ear.