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Chucktruck (Montgomery City, Missouri, Usa) on 04/19/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Wimps, all of you. I snort the straight 3% right up my nose and into my sinuses. Yes it burns, therefore I do not recomend it unless you have a rather high tolerance for pain. Just try to limit the quantity so you do not swallow it when it comes down the back side. Enjoy!! Chucktruck
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Replied By Jimmy O. (New York, Ny) on 11/25/2013

I can't stop laughing after reading Chucktruck's response here. As I read through all the entries here I thought that maybe I was overdoing it a bit. LOL I too use straight 3% HP up both nostrils and in both ears. It sure can hurt, so it's not for the faint of heart. I know it's working if I think my eyeball will explode. LOL Straight HP is strong medicine, but if you can bear it, it does work. Don't forget the ears too!