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Patti (Marietta GA) on 06/28/2006
5 out of 5 stars

I have a cousin who is 96 years young. Since she was a young girl she has drank a mixture of apple juice, ACV and honey every day, once a day (about a cup). Her hair is a light brown - NO GRAY AT ALL!! It was always a medium brown until she turned 90! She told me years ago to drink this and I didn't - I wish I had listened!!
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Replied By Dauri (Idaho) on 08/03/2006

Patti, please tell me how much of the apple cider vinegar and honey and apple juice were in the 1 cup of the total mix that your 96 yrs young cousin used.... I do want to try it, thanks.

Replied By Donna (Watkinsville, Ga ) on 03/11/2017

Does anyone know how much ACV do you add to drink with apple juice and honey for help with grey hair?

Replied By Mary Lou (Asheville) on 12/09/2017

I'm guessing the 96 year old cousin took 1-2 teaspoons of ACV in apple juice. Honey doesn't seem necessary since apple juice is naturally sweet.
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Replied By Joe (Toronto) on 01/09/2018

My Grandfather taught me to drink apple cider vinegar and honey in water or apple juice daily when I was a young lad. I am now 77 years old and only no grey hair to speak of.
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