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Mysti (USA) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

This was for oral herpes - I simply put acetone polish remover on it at night. When I wake up it's usually gone. It burns incredibly bad but hey, the sore is gone.

Replied By Frosty (Atlanta, GA) on 06/15/2008

I fully agree. This actually works. Thanks everyone for their remedies.. im surprised they work but very thankful!

Replied By Nina (Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada) on 10/10/2008

Just had an GH outbreak after going 9 years without one! It was a small cluster on the outside labia (not on the mucous membrane) I was devastated and didnt want to have to go through weeks of pain. I was willing to try anything, and i did! I tried the acetone remover trick and IT WORKED. I pressed a q tip to the small cluster of sores that had not broken open yet, about 10 times yesterday and kept the area VERY DRY with cornstarch all day and night. Today, they are healing over and almost gone! they didnt break open, they didnt scab over, they didnt get any bigger...they are healing and almost gone. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Replied By David (New York City, Ny) on 05/03/2010

Acetone Nail Polish Remover is now my best friend. It works wonders! As soon as you start getting that tingly feeling, put some on with a q-tip or some cotton swab. It burns a bit. But you can really feel it work. I kept doing this for about 5 minutes every couple of hours and what used to be a cold sore from hell that lasted at least two weeks is now a tiny mark that lasted only a couple of days. This really works! Thank you SO much!