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Sarah (Newark, New Jersey) on 03/03/2012

Hello, I have a question, My 15 month old son was sick with a lot of cough, some fever and after taking him to the doctor, he said he had a virus. We had a hard time giving him his medicine because he wouldn't swallow it and the next day the cough got a little worse and you could tell he was weaker. So we took him to the Emergency Room. After putting him the mask, you know, the nebulizer he got better. After doing an Xray the doctor said my son had pneumonia so we were told to really give him all his medicine, antibiotics and stuff (which we did).

Then at home 4 hours later he was coughing a lot again, almost as bad as before. So I read somewhere here that you can help your body fight a virus by spraying hydrogen peroxide. I was scared first because my son is so young (15 months), but I was desperate. So I took the regular 3% hydrogen peroxide that they sell in the stores and put a small amount (enough to make it wet) in a piece of cloth and wiped his feet, legs, hands, belly, chest, back and a little of his arms and you know I watched him carefully. Shortly after I would say like 15 or 20 minutes afterwards his cough diminished a lot. It wasn't completely gone but I could tell he felt a little better.

After 3 or 4 hours, the cough started again and I did the same thing and again it helped him diminish the cough and was able to sleep for some hours. Then 3 hours later I repeated again and it helped. The next day and following days I didn't think it was neccesary to use the peroxide because his cough had diminished considerably.

Now my question is: what did the Peroxide do exactly? or was it just coincidence, because they gave him antibiotics and other medicines at the ER and also the next 5 days we were able to give him his antibiotics and medicines. I am pretty sure the Hydrogen peroxide helped but I can't say exactly how. I don't know if I would recommend this because, everybody is different and children are more sensitive and fragile, but I am sure that the peroxide helped him with his cough. Do you think maybe the peroxide made him sleepy? I doubt it but I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you in advance and I think this site is great. It helps a lot.

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Replied By Melissa (San Antonio, Texas) on 03/08/2012

Sarah, I'm not a chemist or a doctor, but I've also heard that hydrogen peroxide is very effective against viruses (virii?). However, I would not discount the healing energy of your touch with the swabs. The cooling effect, probably in a nice, calm home enivronment (not a clinical doctor's office or hospital) in which to receive his 'medication. ' I'm certain there was a physical effect, but I feel quite strongly that the touch was just as important. You soothed your baby. Your baby was able to sleep, and sleep is critical to healing. I say "all the above. " :)
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Replied By Lisa (Western, Sd) on 03/11/2012

Hi Sarah from Newark, New Jersey: Hydrogen Peroxide creates an oxygen rich environment where viruses can't live and good bacteria thrive. See Earth Clinic's "Remedies"; Hydrogen Peroxide Cures & Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method. I think you did exactly the right thing rubbing it on your infant - skin absorbs what you put on it. Brilliant, great job! Now that your son has had antibiotics, research also Earth Clinic's "Remedies"; Acidophilus Cures and "Ailments"; Antibiotics Side Effects.
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Replied By Sarah (Newark, Nj) on 03/13/2012

Yes, Thanks so much for your comments, Melissa and Lisa, you know? about a month after all that happened I noticed my son was getting something, like a cold or the flu, because he had a little fever, he was a little less energetic, etc. So again I rubbed him with peroxide and it helped again. The peroxide helps to stop whatever virus or other thing from spreading or continuing to harm your body. I also agree about the importance of the soothing touch, and even when I wasn't in favor of the antibiotics, (specially since it seems this was a virus) I was too scared to risk not obeying the doctor. I never thought something so simple as Hydrogen Peroxide could help so much. Thank you guys for your explanations and information and thanks to Earth Clinic, I am learning a lot.
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Replied By Robert. (USA) on 04/25/2022

It gets absorbed through the skin. I read on a cancer blog that this is standard procedure for cancer suffers being treated in their care. You must be careful as it kills all bacteria both the good and bad, so a probiotic is in order when using it, milk kefir is the best and easy to make at home. CDS water the aqueous form of MMS is easy to make and does the same thing but will not kill off the good bacteria. You don't get the common side effects of MMS with CDS Water. You can just put it in some water and drink it or just put it in a jar and leave open by the baby or whoever it will diffuse on its own but will need to be replaced in 2-3 days, so this can get expensive. You can also use this in a vape pen or a small cold nebulizer, no need for any mask, just get the mist in his face, so he can inhale it.

Replied By Roula (Arlington, Viginia, Usa) on 02/10/2013

I want to join this discussion because my 3.5 year old is currently suffering from Pneumonia. He had a miserable spell during the sleepless feverish night, so after reading up on this site, I tested the HP we have at home with water using the recommended methods on this site, and it looked clear. So I sprayed about 3-4 times in the back of his throat (he didn't mind it at all! ). I helped him blow his nose minute later and a lot of snoots came out. Then I witnessed his cough completely stip, his face relaxed, and he fell back asleep.

A few hour later, he woke up again feeling pretty lousy and very warm bodied. He was having a coughing fit for ten minutes and was exhausting him.. I gave him a few more squirts of hydrogen peroxide. The cough almost immediately stopped again and minutes later he got a spark of energy and said he wanted to get up. We blew out snoots as before, then he walked around a little bit, and snuggled on the couch and fell asleep peacefully.

I started a topic on HP in the humidifier just now. What do you all think?


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Replied By Hollyv (Greenville, Sc) on 08/29/2013

I'm pretty sure I've got a spot of pneumonia, as I did have it a few years ago for the first time. So, I'm reading here what to do, and I've got a list going: garlic, H202, vitamin c, probiotics, sea salt, etc. Because I am a huge believer in this website (tried and true). BUT, should I go for doing ALL of these things at once? Or will that overwhelm my body? Maybe each of them in small doses? Not sure which one I need? Or if all will be great??

Replied By Dave (Greenville, Sc) on 09/01/2013

Hello Holly,

There's nothing wrong with taking the full set of items you list to deal with the infection... Garlic, H2O2, sea salt etc. While you're at it, why don't you add the one thing that would, in my opinion, really kill the pneumonia? Colloidal Silver. You need a vaporizer... Which turns the liquid into a steam and when I feel something in my respiratory, I make sure to breathe deeply for a few minutes Mine has a "cup" that I breathe into. I do this three times daily for a week. Always knocks out my infection that fast. I see from your post you live close to my office and if you email me at david (at) I'd be happy to have a bottle of CS for you. I give away bottles to friends and family... And have for decades. Free.

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Replied By Robert (California, US) on 10/05/2014

My advice the quickest way without all that complicated whooey - take antibiotic with a concentrated amount of green tea. Had pnemonia for 3 days, almost died becuse the bactera became resistant. Take 4 bags of green, tea steep in water, do not boil but get it hot enough to leech out tea; let it cool. Now you might get lit off the caffine but I survived by takeing the antibiotic and tea at the same time. What you"ll notice in less than five minutes is your infection will break. This is because the tea will kill bacteria, viral and fungal forms of pnemonia. Antibiotics will be boosted by 300%; don"t say it won't work it will! And repeat a smaller dose tommorow of the tea along with antibiotic or medication given.
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Replied By Holly (Greenville, Sc) on 11/16/2017

Dave from Fountain Inn:

Wow. So here I sit reading earthclinic, thinking I have have pneumonia. I don't even remember if I had it in 2013. I don't remember posting this back then, and I believe I'm seeing your response for the first time! If you're still out there, I'd love to come by and get some colloidal silver! I am trying the vinegar and h202 this evening, and had planned to go to the ER in the morning if I still feel this in my chest.


Replied By David (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 11/18/2017

Hello Holly,

Yes, I'm still around! Just gave someone a bottle of CS this morning. Got of course. How about emailing me at david at davidthomaslawfirm dot com

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Replied By Julie (Greenville, Sc) on 12/27/2017

I was wondering if a colloidal silver steam would work if I don't have a nebulizer handy? If anyone has this info, please advise, thank you!

Replied By Art (California ) on 12/27/2017

In reply to Julie (Greenville, Sc),

If by, "steam", you mean that you are going to put colloidal silver in a pot and and boil it to get steam, no, that will not work. If you boil colloidal silver, the silver will remain in the pot while the water vapor escapes. You will notice that the remaining colloidal silver in the pot will start to darken from the natural light to medium yellow color to a darker golden color and if you boil it long enough it may turn brown as the silver particles become more concentrated.

A cold vapor ultrasonic humidifier will deliver plenty of colloidal silver in a relatively short period of time compared to a nebulizer which delivers a much smaller amount in a given period of time. This is an important point when you consider that the interior surface area of the lungs is approximately half of a tennis court.


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Replied By Cindy (Oklahoma) on 10/09/2021


How much and what strength of CS to use in a cold vapor ultrasonic humidifier?

Replied By Art (California) on 10/10/2021

Hello Cindy,

When I use colloidal silver for coughs and lung congestion, I have a very small cool mist vaporizer that only requires about 2 ounces of CS for one treatment, but most cool mist vaporizers require more ounces in my experience in order to work, usually about 4 or 5 ounces. So I breathe in from the outlet port of the vaporizer at a distance of a couple of inches and I alternate between breathing through my nose and breathing through my mouth in order to get the vapor into as many areas as possible.

I use 20 ppm colloidal silver and I do the breathing for 7 to 10 minutes per session. If I do 7 minute sessions, I will do 4 sessions per day and if I do 10 minute sessions I will do 3 sessions per day.

I never reuse any remaining silver that is left in my cool mist vaporizer, because the sonication process of the vaporizer can knock the silver out of suspension, so I put new colloidal silver for each use.

Whenever I am having a cough or lung congestion, I also use melatonin at high dose as Dr. Neel does for his Covid-19 patients at 1 mg per kilogram of body weight. I weigh about 180 lbs. which is approximately 82 kilograms so I will take at least 82 mg of melatonin in divided doses spread throughout the night and day. Not everyone can tolerate melatonin, but I do so I use it and for me it is very helpful.

I am not a doctor so I can not recommend that anyone do what I am doing, I am just describing what I do and everyone else should see their doctor to make sure that what they are doing for them is safe for them to do.

When you see your doctor, you might show him this study that discusses the use of melatonin for lungs during flu and possibly pneumonia:

Good luck and keep us updated.
