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Margie (Columbia, SC) on 03/26/2008
5 out of 5 stars

You might find this fever blister (herpes) remedy kind of yucky, however IT WORKS. I've been using it for YEARS and I'm 52. Whenever I feel a fever blister coming up on my lip, I immediately apply (here goes) EARWAX from my ear! YES REALLY. Just use a Q-tip, dab a little on the area and you can feel the earwax working as soon as you apply it! For some reason, earwax dries fever blisters very, very quickly. The only downside is that earwax tastes bitter. I know you are horrified right now, But DON'T KNOCK IT until you've tried it. I've never taken the time to research why it works. (Maybe you folks might have an answer.) Anyway, if you feel this is appropriate to post, please do. Thanks,
REPLY   5      

Replied By Hugh (Queenstown, New Zealand) on 10/26/2008

I heard this remedy when I was mining up in the Yukon Territory. I think there is something in the earwax that is designed? to prevent infections in the ear. It is serendipity that it also works on coldsores!
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Replied By J (Tn) on 08/21/2017

Yes, My grandmother told me the old wives tale about ear wax and cold sores. At first I was like most horrified and grossed out, I bought the expensive squeeze tunes of "cold sore medication", tried about 2 or 3 different forms of it...nothing. I tried popping them and alcohol to dry them up....nothing but more days in pain, I even went to the doctor and was given a script when I had one inside my lip in fear that they would reach my throat. They cleared up, eventually.

But when I felt that well known oh no tickle the next time and thought I have nothing else to lose so I go into the bathroom and qtip to ear and took a deep breath and 1,2, wait what am I doing?? Screw it...3!! And on like I would lipstick or gloss but just to the spot.

You know break out! Are you kidding me?! All of this time, pain and wasted money. Should I been doing this for years! And I have been ever since.

Let me say this, it only takes one time to forget that you have it on and you rub your lips together or stick out your tongue. Lol. Heaven forbid if you lick it! Lol, but you will only do it once.