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Lisa (Atlanta, Georgia) on 02/09/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I was having a horrible time with a cracked tooth, the pain was awful! IB Profin would only numb the pain for a short time. I tried peroxide, garlic and a few other things and nothing helped. Finally, I tried 2 tablespoons of ACV with the mother in a glass of warm water. Let me tell you, after the first two sips the pain started to go away! I'm on the second day of the vinegar and water 3 times a day and the pain is pretty much gone! I am amazed! I'm going to keep doing it but gradually reducing it until I get to 1 tablespoon in water 2 times a day.
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Replied By Hope (Fullerton, Ca) on 09/21/2013

A friend and I hope had a toothache at the same time... Tried the ACV... Both our toothaches where completely gone in less than 5 minutes... Go ACV
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Replied By Beehappier (London, United Kingdom) on 12/04/2013

Just followed your advice and got the exact same results. After agonizing with toothache for 11 hours, I read this and immediately prepared my own. Warm water, 2 tbs ACV, and black forest honey for its antibacterial properties and... Gone after only two sips. I finished it and bought some more ACV so I might take it 3 times a day and see. Thank you ALL of you who posted your experiences here, the good ones and the bad ones, so we can all benefit from each other's stories.
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Replied By Tonya (Wa, US) on 12/03/2014

The ACV -- are you swallowing it or just rinsing your mouth with it?
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Replied By James (Edgewater , Florida) on 02/18/2016

Thank you so much. I've been doing ice water for over a week now and could not get to a dentist. I did exactly what you said, two tablespoons vinegar one big tablespoon of honey and warm water. The toothache pain disappeared in 10 seconds and has not been back. It's been over two hours now I honestly think I'll get some sleep tonight thanks again
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Replied By Michelle (Melbourne Australia ) on 03/09/2018

Omg this works! I was in excruciating pain and over the counter medication wasn't working, a few mouthfuls of this held in my mouth and then spat out and the pain went away. Thank you