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Dawn (Oak Harbor, Wa) on 12/24/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Last week I was under a tremendous amount of stress and ended up with a huge sore on my lip. I awoke with it and immedietly started applying Acetone several times a day. It was all dry within 2 days. I am now dealing with the dry scab but never had any pain or discomfort. My husband was very upset when he saw my lip cause he isn't allowed to kiss me while I am healing. It usually takes me a couple weeks to heal. Needless to say he is very happy with the fact it only took two days to go away. I will definitely be letting others know how to get rid of their sores also.

Replied By Frankie (Renfrewshire, Scotland) on 12/25/2011

It's good getting rid of cold sore pain so quick but wish could get rid of scab quick as well anybody help with that?

Replied By A Omaha (Omaha, Ne ) on 01/10/2012

Acetone works but best is abreva and campho phenique which is over the counter at the drug store. Right when it starts tingling and getting red... Put on the campho and then slather on the abreva and it will barely come out... but you gotta catch it right away just carry it with you cause it's always unexpected.

Replied By Lilly (Lancaster, California) on 01/27/2012

So I woke up with a bump on my lip the other day... I freaked cuz I knew it was coming I went to the store and got everything to try to keep it from bursting into a full on cold sore... Too late!! Ugg. I work as a host at red robin and I have had 2 days doing everything I can to get rid of it before I go back to work. I came across a few sites and found this... Nail polish remover it sounded scary but it has dried it compleatly. I mixed it with rubbing alcohol and used a qutip to put chapstick all around the sore cuz I am afraid that the nail polish remover would kill the heathly skin on my lips then I dapped the mixture on the sore for 5 mins every 20 mins with out touching it or irritating it in between, I work at 5 today and it looks like I'm not going to have to worry about ppl staring at my mouth, if only I knew about this sooner.... It really does work ppl
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Replied By K_g_det_1 (Canton, Mi U.s) on 02/21/2012

I have a cold sore and apply acetone nail polisher remover and it made it worst! Not only is it larger but it look like a open flesh wound! Now I'm using Campho Phenique and it's drawing out all the pus. This doesn't work for everyone.

Replied By Careshare (Los Angeles, Ca, United States) on 03/08/2012

Putting any type of of chemicals like bleach or acetone on a cold sore is a bad idea. It may get rid of it temporarily but it could cause unwanted side effects. The root cause of the cold sore is a virus, so you want to use treatments that attack the virus directly.

I've had good success using Lysine to treat cold sores. Here are a few good articles on cold sore treatments you can check out: - In depth overview of a cold sore and various treatments - Good article on natural remedies - Shows various natural treatment options you can choose from.

I know cold sores can be a major pain, but its better to do some research and use a safe treatment.

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Replied By Susan (Bklyn, Ny) on 07/11/2012

Eat flounder weekly and u will never have an OB again. In the meantime focus on changing your diet to get cure. I am living proof of flounder while I work on cure. Read my post how to prepare. Look for "flounder".