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Dior (Gold Coast, Australia) on 12/19/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Tumeric is insane. I put 1tsp in 1/3 cup warm water and plain water after. Next morning nearly gone it was huge extremely red now looks nearly skin color and so pain no more. Its amazing will do again tonight and I think tomorrow gone, gone!
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Replied By Cl503 (Portland, Or - Oregon, United States) on 04/18/2012

Bit of a back story.. I experienced my first boil about 1 month ago, on my inner thigh, I believe caused by an ingrown hair. I thought it was abnormally large, and drained a lot, but never thought it to be a boil, because I had never had one. Anyway, it drained and went away(leaving a scar, anyone know how to help get rid of those in the pubic region?)... But about 4 days ago, I noticed a red bump (that grew quickly, and swelled a lot) on the exact opposite spot on my other thigh... Like complelely mirrored spot. I read posts, started taking 4 turmeric capsules, and applying oil of oregano and all sorts of helpful home remedies... I didn't notice much of a difference.. So I just went to the kitchen, and used actual turmeric spice, a cap full of it in grapefruit juice. I also made a paste of oregano oil and turmeric and applied it with a bandaid. The swelling has gone down quite a bit already. I am hoping it drains tonight. If I remember, ill update. Regardless, try turmeric! Bulk spice, not capsules.
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Replied By Cl503 (Portland, Or - Oregon, United States) on 04/18/2012

In response to my last post.. I woke up this morning, drank the turmeric with juice, followed by a hot bath with sea salts, h202, coconut oil and a little dr bronners, it came to a head. I popped it... I will continue with turmeric. I have a question though.... All the white stuff came out.. Now it seems just to be lymph fluid.. But it looks a little yellow in color, and the area is still a little swollen. Is what I think is lymph flluid still infection... Or is that only the white looking pus?... Should I let it drain out all on its own, or apple any pressue? Thanks for your help. I love this site!
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Replied By Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 05/04/2012

I've had a boil on my pants line for a month with a small hole in it which ive squeezed out some mucky looking stuff. So I put a tea spoon of tumeric in a glass of soya milk and downed it twice a day, over a couple of days.. I also mixed some honey with tumeric and applied to the boil. It is now draining well.. Tumeric definitely works.