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Joanne (St. Louis, MS) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I find fresh aloe to be an amazing cure-all for burns and cuts. I recently discovered its fast healing power for a deep scratch I had on my hands from cutting roses in the garden. After applying antiseptic, I dabbed the gel from a fresh piece of my aloe plant and wow! it healed remarkably fast. The scratch turned a deep crimson color in the process.
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Replied By Kate (Kingston, Ny) on 06/27/2011

Aloe is great! Topically applied, the gel from the cut stem of the plant dries to form a protective layer on the skin's surface, preventing any dirt or bacteria from entering. Aloe contains a concentrated mix of enzymes, anti-inflammatory fatty acids, and compounds that boost the immune system and speed healing. I found some good information on how to use aloe at home here:

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Replied By Jessica (Boston) on 03/25/2016

Couldn't agree more the best way to heal a cut or abrasion is to use the Gel cut straight from the Aloe Vera leaf and placed over the wound. It will cut healing time in half and also improve the look of any scaring that may be left behind after the healing process. An Aloe Vera plant is a great thing to keep at home for such instances. Natures natural remedies are always the best.