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Sandy (Bangalore, India) on 03/05/2008
5 out of 5 stars

For overnight miraculous healing of wounds, apply coconut oil to it. This will also ensure that no scar is left behind.

Replied By Dean (Los Angeles, California) on 01/03/2012

2 weeks ago I cut my middle finger right in the inside of my middle digit. It was very deep and bleed for over 24 hours. I knew I didn't hit a main artery but it was just flowing out at a steady rate not squirting. I wrapped it up with some non-stick gauze and tape and the next morning I washed off most of the blood and put some coconut oil over the wound, I wasn't too sure if it would help due to the fact that blood was till coming out of the cut but not as fast as the night before. I took off the bandage again that night and the bleeding has stopped so I put some ACV on a paper towel and wiped my finger down and put the coconut oil back on the wound and continued to change the bandage and reapply the coconut oil for the next 3 days.

On the 4th day I noticed the wound had closed with no sign of infection. I stopped wearing the bandage and just switched to a large athletic band aid and now 10 days later it is completely healed up with no infection. I have never used coconut oil on a cut before but it did speed up the healing process and I believe kept it free of infection. I get cuts quite a bit (I work with glass) so I have a good idea of how long a deep cut takes to heal and this time by using the coconut oil it cut down the healing time by at least half.