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Carol (Republic, Washington) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

Here is the "cure what ails you" I give to my students, and they all use it and are back to the books/ or playing for the basketball team! It has an immediate effect for some:

3 TB Apple Cider Vinegar
3 TB lemon juice, fresh squeezed if possible
2 TB honey
You can add 1/4 tsp cayenne, and 1/4 tsp fresh ginger also if the first three ingredients don't work right away.

Mix in a little warmed water to liquefy, drink, and then rinse the teeth thoroughly. After the initial rush, you can drink warm tea, or water to settle the stomach. Most have an immediate reaction where they get their voice back and clear out the mucus in their nose and throat. Try it, all the kids do, and now even their moms drink it and swear by it! One mom even works at the medical clinic and uses my cure instead of the doctor's one.

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Replied By Tina (Ohio) on 02/03/2016

Tried this a few times. Didn't noticeably help. Sorry.