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Peter (Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/21/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I have had a boil near my anus for a few days, and reading your recommendation I started taking a teaspoon of Turmeric with warm water 3 times a day.

The boil immediately got smaller and after two days is very much reduced and the pain which had commenced went away in the first 6 hours.

I think by tomorrow it will have gone and I will stop the treatment.

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Replied By Sara (The Beach, Canada) on 10/21/2011

Do yourself a favor and don't stop the treatment. Do a maintenance treatment from here on to avoid getting another one. 1 tsp of turmeric in warm milk and a little honey to taste or in the water like you did if you prefer. 5 days on 2 days off for me but at least 3 days a week and you won't likely see another one. Cheers and best wishes
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Replied By Becky (Cibolo, Tx) on 10/22/2011

I keep getting huge boils closer to the vaginal area one after the other.. They just won't go away!! :( I've gone to the doctors and they prescribed medicine to take every day that makes me SICK... Taking the turmeric powder with water would really help??
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Replied By Bashaw78 (Athol, Ma, Usa) on 10/22/2011

This may be a dumb but where do you find Turmeric, and what is it? I have never heard of it. Thank you
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Replied By Frida K (San Jose) on 02/24/2016

Turmeric is an Indian spice...the ground root of the turmeric plant. You can find it in any grocery store like Safeway or Trader Joe's, but I'd recommend buying it from your local Indian grocery store, if you have one close by. Much much cheaper. You can get about 150gms for $1-2 here, instead of paying $6-8 at Safeway etc.

(I know this answer is really late but I thought this info might help someone else).

Replied By Carriec3 (Louisville, Ky) on 11/09/2011

This site and all the information saved my face and mental health. For the first time in my life, I got a boil. It was on my face! I woke up a week ago Saturday with what I thought was the start of a pimple on the left side of my chin. By Mon morning it had grown to a huge swollen lump. I went to work and called the doc. I got in that afternoon. She said I had an abscess and gave me scripts for a pain killer and antibiotic. Told me don't touch it and use warm compresses. The pain killers helped but the boil kept growing.

Luckily, I work for the State from my home so I could rearrange my schedule and hide in the house! By Wed, it was almost like a ping pong ball. I found this site and had my husband pick up Turmeric and tea tree oil. I started using it late Wed night. 3 teaspoons a day and dabbing the tt oil on 3x a day. It was less red by Thursday morning and started shrinking quickly. By Saturday morning it was gone! I could not believe it. Amazing.

I continue to take the antibiotics because you need to finish them but I contribute the rapid healing to the Turmeric and tea tree oil. I have a small dry patch of skin where the boil was. No scar since it never burst. I am using vitamin e oil daily on the dry skin as well as taking capsules now. Amazing!! Thank you all for sharing your experiences and helping others!

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Replied By Jennifer (Florida, FL) on 03/05/2015

"I continue to take the antibiotics because you need to finish them" Ummm....that's incorrect.
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Replied By Supermama (Canada) on 02/16/2016

Not incorrect??? Sorry...not finishing prescription antibiotics has contributed to creating super-resistant strains of bacteria. (Scientifically proven)

I would rather try natural home remedies first for myself and family, and almost always find resolve. However, I also would like to rely on antibiotic treatments if myself or my loved ones critically need them, so please don't contribute to untreatable super strains of bacteria, by not finishing a prescription. We are all better off if you never start taking the drug, rather than take some.