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Autodinman (Modesto, Ca) on 10/20/2011
5 out of 5 stars

55 years old and first time credit card size rash showed up on upper arm near elbow. Like many, I figured I must have scratched the area while carrying redwood or maybe brushed against a "gopher plant". Once I read all of your comments, I knew it must be shingles. It is; blisters, redness, pain. I saw that many of you applauded ACV. So, I went home and applied a cotton swab with ACV. Only put it on for a minute. The next day the blisters are subsiding and the rash is going away. I'll reapply tonight. Thank you all.
REPLY   3      

Replied By Happsoul (Frisco, Co) on 10/24/2011

I have shingles. I found this website at 2:00 in the morning on day 2 of shingles. I was in extreme pain. I was desperate. I had raw unpasturized apple cider vinegar and drank one ounce to start with and immediately the stabbing pain got better. I was able to sleep. I used it every 4 hours but did reduce the dose to one -two Tablespoons. I added lysine and cats claw. By the time I saw the doctor I was much more comfortable. I have been able to sleep and have not used anything for pain control other than the three I mentioned. I did start on an anti-viral 12 hours later. I have continued to use the ACV every 4 hours for pain control. I use it locally and take 1 TBS orally. I am SO GRATEFUL for this site and for this information.