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Tonina (Whanganui, New Zealand) on 10/14/2011

Hi, I'm on my 3rd day treating a boil break out using the Tumeric spice - AMAZING RESULTS!!! Boils are drying out, they're not as painful and my body has stopped breaking out as a result of the Tumeric working to clean my blood.

I'm at my wits end, these things have been a problem since I had a major op about 2 years ago after having my son where we both contracted MRSA, they've been ongoing causing me to feel depressed, anti social, irritable and just real sad. Maintaining my health has been a real challenge and when it comes to Boils, Staf infections and MRSA - antibiotics are the worst treatment. Going natural is the only option and I'm so grateful to have found this site which informed me about the spice Tumeric.


The next step I intend to take is to buy the book MRSA Secrets Revealed by Microbioligist and Scientist Michelle Moore.

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Replied By Nic (Athens, Greece) on 02/04/2012

Hi again dear Earthclinic and its readers.

I have said already in 2009 that turmeric was and still is the best remedy for boils (and not only! ) but I have found a combination that in my case cured the new boils in a day, and healed fast too. The boils didn't become huge this time because I always use turmeric in soups or other food.

My discovery is:

I added danish blue cheese. I searched your site but so far I haven't found any reference.

Danish Blue cheese (Danablue) a popular not too expensive brand, in something I call turmeric soup, with two teaspoons of turmeric, olive oil, 100gr of this cheese, black pepper and boiled onions and garlic and fresh tomato. It is easy to cook fast and it has great taste in my opinion, add the cheese last... but anyway, I recommend blue cheese as a general antibiotic that boosts the benefits of turmeric.

Thank you,

and thanks EarthClinic,


ps: someone told me that pineapple is also a great natural antibiotic.