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Mike (Stuart, FL) on 10/11/2011
5 out of 5 stars

It might not help everyone and it's not a complete cure but chewing gum after meals helps me a lot. The saliva from chewing the gum helps to wash all the acid down and keep it out of your esophogus.
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Replied By Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 10/12/2011

A warning re chewing gum: All wrigley's gum, not sure about other brands contain ASPARTAME - a poison - stay away from chewing gum. It will cause seizures sometimes fatal and can even lead to death. Research the dangers of ASPARTAME.

You are better off taking iodine as it regulates stomach acid and cures the problem. Research "iodine stomach acid".

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Replied By beverly (Texas) on 11/03/2022

I will have to agree with you. I have a number of things I try...celery...alkaline water and aloe vera, and gum is one of the more effective ones.