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Robert (Pc, Fl, usa) on 09/21/2011
5 out of 5 stars

My poor golden retriever/ basset hound mix had the worst case of incurable yeast in his ears I have ever saw and I have owned many many dogs. Oddly, I saw a drag queen say that milk of magnesia, topically, would prevent sweating under makeup for shows with hard hot lighting.

Siwwy had been given every prescription anti yeast medication, every vinegar drop method, every borax based method, all manners of homeopathic cures and things that cost so much money I was wondering if I would go broke. And all of the doctors antibiotics and creams to cure the secondary infections.

As yeast depends on moisture, I decided to go there with MOM. I painted it on rubbed it in, held him until it dried and in a month his ears were completely healed and no scars even remain. Thanks RuPauls Drag Race my dog loves a drag queen now! This is no joke, try it it works!

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Replied By Heather (Tallahassee, Fl) on 01/31/2016

Thank you, I am going to try this. I trust that it will kill the yeast once and for all!
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Replied By Angie (Springfield, Mo) on 11/26/2016

Have you tried this? How did it work?

Replied By Shepdog (Florida) on 03/26/2017

This post has been a Godsend for my Border Collie mix. He suffered with a bacterial/yeast infection that started at the base of his tail and spread like wildfire the entire length of his underbelly, including his legs, to his chin. He lost all his hair and had red/gray elephant skin. Went down the same road you did and probably tried all the remedies you did, plus the drug ketaconozole, which cleared it up in 2 weeks, but it came back and the second round did nothing (already resistant! ). Three years and 4 vets later, I saw this post. I started applying the MOM topically and saw immediate improvement, and in just 2-3 months it was all gone, except for one little stubborn spot on his chest, which would have probably been gone long ago had I not become less diligent about applying the MOM. One year later he is still infection free and his beautiful long blonde coat has grown back in and his skin is pink, which I thought would never be normal again. I thought it had something to do with changing the ph environment to something the yeast could not survive in. Whatever it was, it's unbelievable that I, like you, spent lots of money and ended up resolving it for cheap, cheap, cheap!
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Replied By Kclifford (Tallahassee, Fl) on 06/27/2018

How long do you leave the MOM on and how often should I apply it?

Replied By Amanda (Liverpool ) on 09/14/2017

What is mom please?

EC: Mom is milk of magnesia, available in drug stores or pharmacies in the over the counter section where remedies for diarrhea and constipation are found.


Replied By Bd (Canada) on 01/31/2018

I have been going through the same thing with my Pugzu. I have changed her food to that prescribed by the vet and that doesn't help at all and is so expensive.

Is there. Particular brand of food that you find work better for ongoing yeast infections? I'm feeling so frustrated. I will definitely try the milk of magnesia as hers has spread down her legs from her belly and now in her little armpits. Skin is turning black and the receptionist t the vet asked if that was bruising! I couldn't believe it! Any help would be so appreciated for my little girl.


Replied By Cherie (Orange County, Ca) on 02/03/2018

How long do you do the Milk of Mag topically? Do you do it daily? Do you continue to apply it after the skin issue is resolved? Will Milk of Mag hurt your pet if they lick it?
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Replied By Cherie (Or) on 02/11/2018

How after did you apply the milk of magnesia? Was your dogs skin elephant like, crusty and dark? did it hurt your pet or act as a laxative once it dried?

Replied By Shepdog (Tallahassee, Florida) on 02/11/2018

Cherie, I applied it twice a day until the skin cleared up. It doesn't hurt if he/she licks it, but, of course, you don't want it all licked off or you haven't done any good. It's just magnesium.

Replied By Shepdog (Tallahassee, Florida) on 02/11/2018

Bd, my holistic vet said to stay away from the "warming" meats and feed only "cool" meats for skin issues, according to Chinese medicine, but, personally, I did not find that any particular dog food helped. However, I would definitely stay away from the prescription diets. Here's an article that might help,
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Replied By Shepdog (Tallahassee, Florida) on 02/12/2018

Actually, I just applied it with my fingertips, but you could use a cottonball. And, yes, his skin was dark gray and elephant-like in the worst areas. Other areas were red and inflamed and oozing, and he smelled terrible. However, he did not itch a lot, and it did not otherwise seem to bother him much. I did not notice any laxative effects.

Replied By Cherie (Irvine, Ca) on 03/30/2018

How long did it take to start to see any change? I tried the MOM for a few days and saw nothing happening so I stopped.

Replied By Shepdog (Tallahassee, Florida) on 04/01/2018

I saw great improvement within 24 hours, but it took about a month to totally clear up.

Replied By Shepdog (Florida) on 09/15/2018

Once applied, I left it on and did not wash it off. I applied it twice a day.