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Lotusborn (Pahoa, Hi, Usa) on 08/27/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Papaya Seeds for parasites. I have had long standing problems with parasites, some of them pinworms, others never identified but caused a terrible rash around butt and vagina and of course sleepless nights.

A simple and inexpensive cure: I blended 1 cup of papaya seeds with 2 small bananas (it just have to be edible as the seeds are like pepper) and ate the whole thing. I lay there and could feel how it became quiet in there. This might be too strong for some but I was desperate. So, one might want to start with a lower dose as recommended but that is not how I personally operate.

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Replied By Jenny From Sydney (Sydney, Australia) on 10/08/2011

Hi Lotusborn (or anyone else that might know) did you use the Papaya seeds straight from a fresh papaya? I have been using fresh garlic before going to bed and have seen the "white rice" in my bm that others talk about so would be keen to try your remedy. Thanks! PS I only found this site a couple of weeks ago but love it and thank everyone for their contributions. I already feel better than I have in the last 15 years!
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Replied By Jok (Indianapolis, In) on 11/01/2011

I've had much success expelling parasites with papaya seeds. I buy fresh papayas and eat the seeds. I chew 1 to 2 teaspoons then swallow with water. I do this 3 times a day and continue for several weeks.

Using fresh ingredients is always better than encapsulated. For example, wormwood, black walnut and cloves are antiparasitic herbs but if they're not fresh, they won't work. For cloves, they must be fresh, non-irradiated. Usually organic cloves are non-irradiated but if it doesn't say on the bottle, ask to be sure. I grind them myself in a coffee grinder and put them in empty gelatin capsules.

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Replied By Angela (OR) on 08/15/2021

I'm not sure I can go with the claim "If wormwood, black walnut, and cloves aren't fresh, they won't work". Tons of people all over this site have used those ingredients dried and had very good results.

Replied By Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 11/02/2011

Jok, I am very surprised to hear that you eat papaya seeds as they seem to be very toxic. I always remove them very carefully before making a juice although I don't remove the seeds of any other fruit! I am confused now....
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Replied By Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West South Africa) on 11/02/2011

Hi Francisca, Pawpaw seeds also contain enzymes to digest food so it cannot be dangerous.
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Replied By Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 11/02/2011

Hi Francisca, My friend whilst living in Nth Queensland was told about this remedy and knows folk who do it for a few days every year as a preventative. They apparently also aid digestion so she used them instead of digestive enzymes. They can be dried and mixed in with whole peppercorns and ground over food.
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Replied By Jeane (Quezon City, Philippines) on 03/18/2012

Papaya seeds are indeed used by the natives here in the Philippines as purgative. I have seen some websites recommending that the seeds be air-dried and then pounded, but here in this country the natives just cut open a ripe papaya and then scoop up the seeds and swallow them whole. Chewing is not suggested as the seeds may be too bitter for one's taste.