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Angieanco (Woodford Green , Essex Uk) on 08/13/2011

Found the Earth Clinic site and hope someone can shed any light or give an opinion on my problem..

I have been diagnosed with Rosacea Acne for a couple of years - I am 46 never had great skin but never as bad as this! I have been using Metrogel for a year or two but recently tried Elderberry tablets and fish oils which seem to be helping although having constant but minor breakouts.

However, I have just been learning to Scuba dive in Tenerife (4 days) and have erupted in lumps and bumps and white head spots all over my neck shoulders and face!

Could this be down to the sun, sun creams, saltwater and or pressure (diving max 18 metres) or a combination of all? I have never had this so bad. Used the metrogel everyday as usual.

As I suffer from occasional coldsores (am under a lot of stress at present) and have been advised to try ACV to lower my acid levels I am interested in the posts that suggest use for this kind of acne too and will try it asap!

Many thanks for any advise or info..


Replied By Ti (Houston, Usa) on 08/13/2011


Try adopting a gluten free diet for a few weeks, and you will notice a big change in your Rosacea. Hope it gets better soon!

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Replied By Teru (Paris, France) on 08/14/2011

The only thing that really help me so far it's apple vinegar. I put it on all my head.

Replied By Marissa (Portland, Or) on 05/26/2015

Also check the sunscreen you are using. If you want to do a little test, buy sunscreen with helioplex and see if that helps. My brother and I are extremely sensitive to the sun, but when we used conventional sunscreens, we broke out horribly. This is the only sunscreen that works for us!
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Replied By Virginia (Washington) on 08/29/2015

I have had problems for years with redness and spots that stay raw and painful. I changed my life style in January to gluten free, because I had also become allergic to nightshade plants which all peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, pears etc. anything that ripens in the dark.

I am 81 years old. I use all fresh and cook from scratch. I am using the vinegar on my face, also coconut oil. I also am using the vinegar and oil on my legs that are also red from poor circulation. There is a big improvement and hope to clear it completely. I find variety is important.