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Gary (Sacramento, California, Usa) on 08/11/2011
5 out of 5 stars

For Sinus Polyps, Try Tea Tree Oil applied directly via a Qtip. The polyp will fall off in about 3-4 days.

Replied By Shane (Port Elizabeth South Africa, Eastern Cape Rsa) on 08/22/2011

Hi Gary from Sacramento, What is a Qtip and have you tried using Tea Tree Oil? Thanks

Replied By Ehope (Canmore, Ab) on 08/23/2011

How often did you have to apply the tea tree oil?

Replied By Jeannie (Lexington, Ky) on 08/24/2011

How often did you apply the tree oil?

Replied By Gary (Sacramento, Ca) on 08/30/2011

To Ehope and Jeanie,

In Australia they call a Qtip a "cotton bud" - maybe the same in South Africa. Tea tree oil does not burn or have any adverse affects that I have observed - so apply it as frequently as you like. I probably did it 3 times a day.


Replied By Dave (Central, Virginia) on 03/13/2012

Hey Gary, Have been applying Tea tree Oil directly (BID) and after 3 days polyps are breaking down? Thanks for the great tip.

Replied By Sunny (Dresden, Germany) on 03/26/2012

Mint oil! It helps.

Replied By Mike E (Huntington Beach, California) on 04/19/2012

BEWARE!!! I have nasal polyps and have gone to the doctor in the past. He gave me nasal steroid spray and it worked. I would prefer a natural solution. I came across this link and tried Tea Tree Oil applied with a Q-tip. It made the polyps worse and I am miserable! Headache and hard to sleep b/c lack of air. The polyps have become larger! Try one nostril first if you decide to try this method!!

Replied By Des (London, Ontario) on 06/26/2012

How are you supposed to put the oil directly onto the polyp if you can't see it?

Replied By Pnokeo (Bahamas) on 01/03/2015

If you are unable to reach the polyps put two drops of tea tree oil in each nostril and inhale deeply. Do this twice daily. The blocked airways will clear up and the nasal polyps will shrink and eventually fall off.
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Replied By Joe (Indianapolis, In) on 09/25/2015

Do you have to tilt your head back before putting in the drops?

Replied By Pat (Australia) on 12/15/2015

Yes Joe, I did that last night, boy o boy, be ready....... I nearly vomited as it went down the back of my throat. It's done something cos my nose was like thumping and I felt something pop, not sure what the hell was going on, got nose drip now, but will bare with it for a while yet.
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Replied By Jawad (Italy Trento ) on 06/22/2016

lol true say. I am suffering From a chronic sinusistist. exactly same thing happened with me. Last night I put just Three drop of TTO in my left nostril oh my God . It's too strong. My God after that my nose was like a water tap all gone gone out. Ufff Thank God Now feeling good 😊