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Fudge (Cape Town, South Africa) on 06/06/2011
5 out of 5 stars

After struggling with my maltese's ear yeast infections, my chemist suggest collodial silver. Within 2 days his ears cleared up, and since then it never returned. I'm never without collodial silver now.
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Replied By Mary (Atlanta, Ga Usa) on 02/06/2012

How did you use the silver? Give to the dog orally or wash out ears with it? Drops in ears? I have a Maltese with chronic ear infections. Changed foods, steroids, you name it and I have tried it.
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Replied By Pepper Chanel (Singapore) on 10/15/2012

I use it both orally & externally. About 1 dropperful for 1kg when taken internally & Pepper took a 30ppm colloidal silver. She has since changed over to a patented technology & supposed to be more effective. I've found it works. For her ears I just dropped one dropperful in after flushing and swabbing out her ears.