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Jeannette (Northwestern, WI, USA) on 11/09/2007
5 out of 5 stars

A'lot of people who have chronic fatigue syndrome are way beyond the reach of healing methods for simple chronic fatigue. chronic fatigue is just that... ongoing fatigue. it can be due to physical, emotional or mental conditions and once they are addressed, the fatigue is gone. chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS, is NOT simple fatigue. it is a neurological autoimmune response that manifests like influenza, an activation of our immune system. it includes chronic fatigue, but that is only a part of the symptomology.

Replied By Nadia (Western, WA) on 07/02/2008

I agree with you, Jeannette, in that there is a HUGE difference between being chronically fatigued and having CFS. I was diagnosed with CFS in October of 1991, by a leading researcher from the University of WA. She said I had the worst case she had seen to date and that I should not "listen" to quackary and thus waste my money on supposed cures. Yes, if you are chronically fatigued, you can "cure" that with a change of your diet or various other things. But what I have is not "curable." I, however, have helped myself by daily exercise, drinking plenty of water, eating a healthy diet, and positive thinking. No one told me to do these things, I have just been doing them from day one of diagnosis.

Replied By Georgia (Rackenford, UK) on 08/08/2008

You must have a low immune system, therefore if you have mercury/silver fillings you might need to see a mercury free dentist to get them out because your body can't deal with the mercury.

Replied By Kay (Fwb, Fl) on 02/19/2010

Please understand that CFS is so far beyond "fatigue" it's impossible for a normal person to relate to. Most people with CFS can barely function;'sheer exaustion' barely comes close to the feeling (I was an athelete with several world records, so I know what exhaustion is). Imagine having a restful nights sleep, and awakening to a beautiful day with fun plans, but discovering you are so "drained" you cannot hold your toothbrush up long enough to brush your teeth (let alone your hair). Imagine not being able to get to the mailbox on the street, knowing there are cards (and checks) out there because it's your birthday! Imagine having to call your 80 year-old next door neighbor to ask them to tote your rolling garbage can to the curb 20 feet from your house (when you've mowed thier lawn since you were 10). Imagine being this sick for 10 years now, but you are still that same happy go lucky person (despite this devastating illness). Then imagine people saying callously, "Oh I'm tired too; just get over it... you look like you're going to drop dead any minute!"
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Replied By Amy (Ny) on 05/01/2012

Kay, thank you for your post, and big hugs.

Jeannette thanks for speaking up on this topic.

CFS the debilitating illness is starting to be called neuroendocrineimmune disease. Researchers are finally discovering the links to cancer and autism and gene defects or mutations. There may be links to animal retroviruses. They are barely scratching the surface because of limiting funding. Many of us have suffered for decades and just want to have some semblance of a life. May 12, 2012 marks the 20th anniversary of International Awareness Day for ME/CFS, FM, MCS & GWS.