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Sharon (Brookfield, WI) on 01/12/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with CFS several years ago. Last year I went to a natural medicine clinic at the suggestion of a friend and had a biofeedback session. Turns out that I had was several food sensitivities (dairy, coffee, chicken and wheat). Once these items were identified and eliminated from my diet, my energy level was restored within 6-8 wks! I also took herbal supplements for about 6 months. I also suffered from post nasal drip in the mornings and sneezing. Once the dairy was eliminate, my symptoms ceased within a week. Amazing!
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Replied By Natalie (Tillamook, Or) on 12/14/2009

I couldnt agree more! I recently found out I also have food sensitivities. Dairy, all grains, potatoes, tomatoes, & eggs. I found out that my childred also suffer from them before I was tested myself. My 3 year old was very tired, cranky, wild, constant runny nose, eczema & she got sick a lot! Getting her screened for food sensitivites has transformed our life! Id say everyone should get one! 30% of people in the US have some form of food sensitivity, its a good tool to have.