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Julian (Toronto, Ontario) on 04/08/2011

Hi Guys,

I have a very interesting story I want to share with all of you who are suffering from a mite problem.

About 9 months ago I was doing a yoga session at a friend's house, in his attic to be precise and I lay my head on the carpet floor for about five minutes...

That evening I felt a strong "bite" or "pinch" on my scalp. At the time it didn't worry me too much because I had no idea and had never heard of scabies, bird mites or any type of mite that could be a problem for humans…. Boy was I ignorant. The bites got worse and more frequent and a few days later I felt like a "popping" feeling and the spreading of little insects all over my head they spread down to my shoulders, arms, legs, in short all over my body. I could actually feel them walking down my cheek and could catch them with my fingers. These little buggers felt like a grain of sand and they would bite me everywhere!!

The problem was mainly in my scalp but after a few months it spread to the webbing in my toes too and they would then come up my legs as well!!

Despite washing my hair every night with anti nit shampoo the problem had gotten out of control and my small apartment got totally infested.

At first to keep them at bay I would blow dry my hair and body after showering with anti nit shampoo, 1% permethrin. During this period I tried everything I could and in different combinations and strengths until I got a handle on the problem.

My first real discovery was citronella essential oil mixed with alcohol and a touch of eurax lotion. This combination I would spray on my hair and it would kill or stun the mites for about 4 hours…

I then elaborated on this by adding to the citronella: peppermint, eucaliptus, clove, neem, tee tree, oregano essential olis as well as a bit of regular olive oil…. I mixed aproximately 10 drops of each, maybe more peppermint and eucalyptus and then added rubbing alcohol and put in a mini sprayer of 60cc. I sprayed my head and feet throughout the day…. This was really working but I didn't feel it was killing the female below the skin…. How could I get to her??

The answer to this many of you may not believe but it is worth a try because it is totally free!!

I used my own body energy, that's right I used my own bio-electricity to zap them. This idea came about by a chance meeting with a friend on a bus ride. He told me he had been in a terrible health about a year ago with liver problems, prostate and back pain and that a therapist who used energy healing had cured him of all his problems and had then taught him how to do it to himself. I asked him how it was done and he taught me. I started to do it immediately on the bus!! And I was amazed to see that the problem started to decrease at once!! It is very simple so here it is:

Sitting (you can do this while driving btw) imagine an energy beam of white light coming down through the crown of the head. Take this energy and concentrate it more on more in the chest area or the belly which ever you feel is better. Then exhale and try to feel that you are pushing the energy down to your feet. You WILL feel this it is not imaginary by the way then keep playing with it and try directing the energy to the problem areas of your body.

I am not an expert in this so don't ask me to be more specific just inhale through the nose and visualize, feel and direct the energy.

I now believe that when the body is at its full potential of energy all the little buggers just can't handle it and leave you alone.

By the way other bits of info that might help:

1. Take showers and then rinse the tub clean!! I thought that taking long soaks would help. Wrong! These buggers just float and the hot water doesn't kill them so when you get out of the water they just land back on you. If you use bleach that does kill them but it screws up your skin.

2. Tumble dry clothes on high heat or bleach with water soaks to cleaned my clothes.

3. Gave up sugar, soda and chocolate.. this really helped!! The bugs got slower and less aggressive.

Good luck to you all and may God bless us all.


Replied By Christine (Bellingham, Wa, Usa) on 04/10/2011

You might try fresh mugwort, it grows alongside trails and roads in sandy soils and smells lovely. I know it kills fleas, I got rid of cat fleas that had come aboard and got into the bed last summer, and it killed the fleas on a sick wild rabbit I rescued when I put the rabbit into a box with newspaper and mugwort for bedding. It probably won't get the scabies mites under the skin but it could get rid of them in the soft furnishings if you pick bunches of mugwort and place it around the carpet and in corners for a few days. Gotta be worth a try.

Replied By Atomiconion (Montgomery, Alabama) on 08/26/2011

there is a mycoplasma going around that allows these mite to live on people and animals the remedie is because the mycoplasma feeds from frontal lobe and ammonia and some acids symptoms can be mites, aligator legs, pink spots, weight gain, fatigue, lesions, insomnia, malnutrition, depression, swollen glands, headaches, walking nemonia, nervous condition etc. The cure is a slice of onion on forhead for several weeks changing onion only when it is dryed up and not plyable hold it there with sweatband put napkin over it to avoid ridicule, if that the problem you will feel it working after as little as a week for comfort de earth in between legs. the mites go when this mycoplasma dies. cure same for pets. you may need buy dog hat for them to keep it on.
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Replied By Ase (Lisbon, Portugal) on 10/06/2011

My problem is mites. I picked driftwood from the beach for carving, and a week after or so I got quite a few strange bites. Now I only have the feeling of crawling insects all over when I am in bed or at the sofa. It is very irritating. Tried insect sprays, mite killer spray and tea tree oil. Not any betterment so far. I guess I will try the cure suggested here. The onion cure will be my first.

Good that you all write because this "thing" can make you crazy and obsessed and even depressed. Thanks to you all, Ase

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Replied By Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 12/10/2012

Not only should you launder the sheets in hot water, but you should vacuum the mattress and pillows.