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Lainieg (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 04/04/2011
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My plott hound Mielan has a large cyst on her head. It is soft and like a large grape. I have been giving her this turmeric capsule, opening a capsule and giving her one morning, noon and supper mixed with her food. All 3 together measures about a tsp., I would say, so don't think I'm giving her too much. Too much food yes (as she's pooping way too much), but not the turmeric.

It's only been since March 17th, but I stopped because she was sick one day and vomitted yellow substance and didn't eat all day. Of course cyst is still there, with no change. I am afraid to hurt her system with this powder. Did anyone else's pupper get sick?

Also, guess I should be patient, someone said it could take about 2 months? Is that correct? I cannot afford a vet bill or bills for this as I have 2 other pups and they are all due for their heartguard, and check up etc.

Did anyone happen to get this turmeric on their clothes by any chance? I did, not sure how, but my clothes are stained, how to get this out of our clothes. Anyone know?

Thanks - Elaine


Replied By Lisa (Vancouver, Wa) on 04/16/2011

I used the pill pocket & put the curcumin capsule in it.... Curcumin is from the tumeric root... Well he did get sick & threw up spittle that was yellow... But he was ok after that. Now both of my dogs won't take it in the pill pockets... so I think I will make mayonaise & maybe deviled eggs & give it to them that way... It definaltye stains & my dogs rub their faces in the carpet, so I can't put it in their regular food... I just let them lick it off my finger. The stuff stains reaally bad, but I'm not sure how to get it out... I just soak the clothes right away in the sink w/ some laundry detergent.

Replied By Carol (Dillsburg, Pa) on 10/11/2011

I have been giving my Sheppard mix the Turmeric for about 6 weeks and I have not seen a reduction in the cyst yet but still hopeful. I did find a good way to to get the yellow stain out of my white fleece jacket. Used the new oxy clean power gel, let it sit for a few minutes, then put in the washer and it came right out.
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Replied By Gail (Fl) on 12/27/2016

Getting any stain off of fabric: Pour a little hydrogen peroxide on the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse or wash. Stain gone.

Replied By Anon (Usa) on 11/23/2017

My cat throws up even a tiny amount of turmeric. I put it in his food and he refused to eat it all day and by evening threw up some yellow liquid. tried mixing it in castor oil and putting it on the cyst in his ear, but I only did it once because he threw up some yellow liquid and look miserable the whole day.