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Hopeitsover (Louisville, Ky) on 03/15/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Years ago I had my first experience with dreaded BV my doctor gave me an antibiotic, not sure what the name of it was. However it did clear up and I was lucky to have not had to deal with it for several years.... UNTIL about a month ago. I started a new relationship and bam!!! It came back, and it came back with a vengence!!

It was horrible!!! When it first began I experienced the discharge, itching, and slight odor during and after intercourse. I don't have great insurance coverage so I decided to try and let it run its course. Well, that never happened. The itching and burning went away on its own. But the discharge and smell were putrid. The smell became so bad, I started smelling it through my clothes and I know other people around me could too. Sex became something I dreaded... I could smell it so I knew he could. It was so embarressing.. I stumbled accross this site and all I can say is Thank God!!

I first tried ACIDOPHILUS pills. I took two by mouth and inserted one vaginally. The next morning the smell became even worse!! It wasn't a fishy smell, it was an undescrible disgusting smell. I had to go to work that morning.. Lets just say I couldn't wait for 5:30 to get out of my cubicle and go home to wash. On my way home that day I decided to stop by walgreens and pick up VH essentials BV Treatment Homeopathic Time-Release Vaginal Inserts.. They were $24.95. Pricey yes, but I was willing to try anything. I also picked up vitamen D supplements (i read some where on here that they have helped for some) I got the 1000 ui dosage. I first used Peroxide and water douche to clean out the nasty smell and took by mouth 3 of the vitamen D capsules. After the peroxide and water douch, the smell was remarkably improved. I inserted the vh essentials bv treatment as directed on package (only using half first) no more than three hours later the smell was completely gone!!!!!!!

It has been four days and Im still continuing to use the time release capsules as directed on box, taking 3 of the 1000 ui vitamen D, 2 ACIDOPHILUS (by mouth!! ) and douching with the h20 and peroxide, everyday. No more smell and no more discharge!!!! I cannot tell you how greatful I am for the posts on this site. I can finally be me again!!! my boyfried has even done his own research and decided that his seman may causing a reaction as well and we are using other methods regarding that.

That is what worked for me, and I hope it will do the same for someone else. What do you have to loose... But the SMELL. Good luck : )


Replied By Lola (Philadelphia, Pa) on 03/24/2011

That's funny you said that about your boyfriends semen because my doctor told me that that could be the cause of mines also but I've been taking folic acid and acidophylus and I'm good to go now!!!

Replied By Salacia (Lakeland, Fl) on 05/04/2011

I also Have this problem with my husband. What methods do you use for him? I would appreciate this so much!

Replied By Lil Bitt (Columbia, Sc) on 05/05/2011

I tried using Hydrogen Peroxide, folic acid and the smell only goes away for a while but it comes back. I looked at the treatment today at CVS and was really temped in trying it. I have noticed that once the smell dies down a little and I have intercourse, the semen causes the smell to come back so be careful about that.

Replied By Mandy (Ny) on 11/21/2011

I'm here again my name is Mandy, and I still have this bv, Im so digusted if not embarssed, I cry all the time and I'm depressed, this is a nasty damn thing to have, I have tried everything here and NOTHING works for me:((( I really do not know what to do, I was in class the other day and it smelled like me 'fish' can u imgine what ppl were saying? Who is that? Damn, this is like a damn curse, how can I get a job with this problem? I felt like nothing over the weekend, the holidays r here and I do not even care, this bv has taken my life, I do not know what to do to get ot back:((( my last resort is that e book on line, at least I can get my money back, I can"t on all the stuff I bought, hundreds of dollars worth:((( Earth Clinic, this is real, if a employee is reading this warn your female friends, I had this for 8 years!!! I douched too much and Boom it got me, so please leave douching alone!!! I wish I knew, I NEVER heard of bv ever in my 40 years, evryone know about cancer aids std;s but this? this is a bad thing to have, I have a fish odor:((( I met a wonderful guy but we can not be until this is GONE!!! Im downloading the book tonight, I have to know what she did in her book, I will be back...

Replied By Kendra (Hobbs, Nm, Usa) on 07/10/2012

Can you tell us what your man did to help with this issue of BV??