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Denise (Tampa, Fl) on 03/11/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered chronic constipation for most of my life, but it became extreme about 4 years ago. My gastro Dr just gave me meds that kept me hovering around the toilet all morning. I used Mg capsules, which was better, but again, it was still not normal elimination. All I was doing was coping with the problem. Then I heard that my granddaughter (no blood relation) was diagnosed with celiac disease. Her main symptom was severe constipation. I decided to go gluten-free to see if it made a difference for me.

Within 2 days, my system started to work. It's been 3 wonderful weeks now, and I am trying hard not to shout it from the roof tops. But on here I know folks are desperate for an answer and a cure. So see if if works for you. The good thing is that the health food stores have a great variety of gluten-free products. I hope to learn to cook gluten-free when I have the time.

For the folks that find their answer in avoiding gluten - congrads! And to all the others still looking, I would also tell you to check out "upper cervical chiropractic" as that adjustment is supposed to help many with constipation (among a myriad of other problems. ) Good luck!


Replied By Figment (Co) on 12/19/2013

Eliminate gluten is right. Add to that, no dairy and then get a squatty potty, a great tool. I just added this to my home, bought 2 and they work GREAT! I wish I had read about it earlier. Anyway, it works to position things correctly so your GI system works as nature intended. LOVE MINE.