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Happycamper (Cheyenne, Wy) on 01/29/2011
5 out of 5 stars

What a gift this website is; and what an amazing group of people you are!! I have suffered with boils for years. I had one coming on right where the leg of my underwear lays. I could hardly sit down! I knew it would be a good week to two weeks before it drained. I saw this website, went straight to the store, and took 2tsp of Turmeric at 8:00 at night. By 10:00 the pain had subsided. By 7:00 the next morning, it was draining. Made a believer out of me! I will never again suffer with that debilitating pain. I think my eyes are going to fall out, because I'll I've done is read over this website!! What a blessing... Thank you!
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Replied By Ardenwoods (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/19/2011

I would not believe it, had it not worked so quickly. Truth! I have tried everything--yesterday I felt a nasal staph infection beginning and started scouring the net AGAIN, hoping that something would pop up that would ease the pain. I had not heard of tumeric before this--which is odd, I have been looking at homeopathic treatments for over a year now after round after round of antibiotics and creams which turn this thing into a 10-15 day nightmare.

I went and got some manuka honey and tumeric. I mixed into a paste and smeared a thin layer on the infected area and then the rest of the nose. I am not joking within MINUTES the pain (my heartbeat was thumping in my nose) was GONE!! Absolutely gone. I applied a new layer this morning and voila. No Pain. It also is not swollen or painful or puffy. (Usually day two is the one of the worst days) So I can not thank this site enough for finally releasing me from the pain of this twice a year nightmare!!

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Replied By Alexis (Spartanburg, Sc) on 04/24/2011

How are you guys able to stomach the taste of turmeric, I tried last night but 2 gulps in I had to stop. I have alot of boils from a staph infection on my face so I was hoping I would be able to do this. Any advice?
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Replied By Ti (Houston, Tx) on 04/24/2011

Try organic turmeric in capsules. Great and easy to swallow. I like the New Chapter ones.
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Replied By Hu Re (Ashland, Oregon, Usa) on 04/24/2011

I like putting a 1/2 tsp or so of turmeric into the rice as it cooks... It comes out bright yellow and fragrant! Madhur Jaffrey is a reliable source for traditional Indian recipes and many of her dishes include turmeric balanced with many other helpful spices such as onion, garlic, ginger, coriander, cumin, cayenne... Just last night I made one that was cauliflower with onion, garlic, turmeric, coriander, cumin, salt, oil... So yummy! I agree the taste of turmeric can be unpleasant when raw or alone, but when combined with skill it really is delicious!
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Replied By Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 04/24/2011

Very easy, put it in your food! It makes everything nice and yellow. Instead of saffron in the rice, for example, use turmeric but you can use it in any other dish. The food becomes yellow but other than that you don't really get a different taste (maybe if you use huge amounts). I also put a bit into a drink I make with molasses, water, cayenne pepper and a bit of lemon juice or ACV.
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Replied By Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada) on 04/24/2011

Hi Alexis, You can try the TURMERIC TEA FOR JOINT PAIN recipe listed in the Turmeric Cures section. It is located about half way down the page. It tastes good. I use almond milk instead of regular milk. Here is the link
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Replied By Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/24/2011

Alexis, have you tried tea tree oil for the boils and staph infection - it can be used undiluted. Also any sign of a boil or cyst coming up and you can apply the tea tree oil and it will penetrate through the skin and stop it in its tracks.
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Replied By Vivere (Sjc, Ca) on 05/11/2011

I agree Tumeric capsules are the easiest way to get it down if you don't like the taste but Tumeric spice is so much cheaper. You can buy empty capsules and make your own to save lots of money or try this.

Tumeric needs a bit of fat to be more effective so try using a bottled health drink such as green machine. Use about 4 ozs. Of green machine - add a dash of half and half for fat and about two heaping teaspoons of Tumeric. Mix well and drink quickly. It's only a few ounces of liquid and it doesn't taste that bad. BUT ALWAYS brush your teeth well afterwards because the Tumeric can stain them yellow. The capsules of course avoid that problem.

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Replied By Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 05/11/2011

Come on, I add Turmeric to a lot of dishes and never noticed a difference other that my sauces, rice or soups become nice and yellow, no taste at all! No need to buy any capsules.....
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Replied By Brooke (Sacramento, Ca) on 05/12/2011

"Come on" yourself. ;-) I'm not the original poster but I agree with them. The taste of Turmeric is nasty when taken straight-up and/or mixed with a liquid. Yuck!

If you're using it in recipes, I'm guessing it's a very small amount since you said it doesn't change the flavor at all. Believe me, if you put a half tsp. Of Turmeric in your recipe, it *will* change the flavor. And putting a sprinkle or two of Turmeric in a recipe won't yield the type results many of us are looking for, so the capsules make more sense. You get a good-sized dose without the gnarly taste.

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Replied By Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 05/12/2011

I have to say that the only taste I have ever noticed with turmeric is a powdery maybe cardboard like taste. You could mix it with anything and it would taste like the other product. Lily.
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Replied By Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 05/14/2011

I often use 1 tspoon in a quantity of rice for two people and to be honest, other than the yellow color the rice taste exactly the same. Maybe our turmeric is different from yours? I add it to my molasses drink as well, no problem and often to all kinds of stews and curries. The only thing I notice is that it absorbs quite a bit of water so I need to add more water to the rice or else it will be too dry as I let it cook till it is dry.
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Replied By Carly (Seattle, Wa) on 05/16/2011

I stir 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric and grind in about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of organic black pepper to my large glass of V-8 or tomato juice every day.

You have to stir it a LOT, and I use a straw to drink it (as I know turmeric will stain anything, and don't want it sitting on my teeth).

I do this following, or with some food that has fat in it - as fat carries the turmeric into the system, and makes it more bio available.

My point here was that it was for SURE an aquired taste! It wasn't bad at first, just not "Oh YUM"! Lol. BUT - Now, if I have a V-8 or tomato juice without it.... It just tastes wrong. I really, really love it now!

If you don't like the taste of turmeric, maybe you just need to find the right food or drink to disguise it in... maybe starting out with tiny amounts, and building it up as you adjust or aquire a taste for it.

It also tastes good in egg or potato salad, with pickles. Makes the eggs really YELLOW and pretty. lol.

Turmeric is amazing and SO worthwhile to take. Read about it on the web, and you will see. :-) Best!

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Replied By Dianew (Fresno, Ca, United States) on 08/19/2011

I have had trouble with the taste of turmeric also. I have tried a number of ways to prepare it. I just finished a turmeric smoothie. I cut up an apple and threw it into my vita-mix with some almond milk and then added about 2 tps of turmeric and a good dash of curry powder (I like curry). I also added about a tsp of organic coconut oil for absorption purposes and blended it all up. It was actually pretty good and I never thought I'd say that about turmeric. I am going to try some other combinations such as cinnamon in place of the curry powder. We'll see how that goes. I found that the vita-mix is such a strong blender that it thoroughly mixes everything and I don't have to keep stirring as I drink because nothing settled to the bottom of the glass. Is there a page dedicated to recipes somewhere on this website?

EC: Here's where you'll find juicing remedy recipes:

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Replied By Christine (Orange, Ca/usa) on 11/21/2011

I am 26 years old and had my first MRSA boil over a year ago and since I have had at least 5 others. All of them are on my nose or chin and it's made my life miserable. I never go out to socialize with people anymore if I can't hide the redness of swelling. I find myself hoping that the next one I get won't be on my face but without fail they all are =(. I now have dry skin and dents in my face where the boils used to be (I don't know what to do aout this yet- Bio-Oil does not work for me). I went to the Dr. and received antibiotics for staph but that has not stopped the boils from coming.

I just bought organic turmeric today and garlic tablets. I broke open the capsules to make a paste on my nose and mixed 4 of the other capsules with water. I've been pouring over everyone's turmeric success stories here so I'm praying this actually works!!!