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Lon (Tallahassee,Fla.) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I have used hydrogen peroxide to cure stomach ulcers. Just place a few drops in a 8 oz. glass of water and take it daily about three or 4 days and it will heal the stomach.

Replied By D Tob (Riverside, Ca) on 07/29/2016

I didn't receive the same results taking peroxide for ulcers. I started the food grade hydrogen peroxide oxygenation protocol 5 days ago and am today up to 7 drops in distilled water 3 times a day and my stomach is killing me!!! The ulcers weren't bothering me very much before beginning the peroxide. I will continue on to 8 drops tomorrow but will probably have to stop after that as my stomach is getting worse by the day.
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Replied By Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 07/30/2016

D Tob, STOP!!! If it hurts, it's not for you, or at least not at these dosages!! If in the future you might want to try it again, stay at ONE drop a few days, if no pain, go to two drops for a few days etc. NOT EVERYONE can do the "protocol" as is. We are all different.

Also, after a few days of rest from any treatment, you might want to try any other Ulcers treatment. But start SLOW AND LOW!

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Replied By Timh (Ky) on 07/30/2016

It is very important to be properly alkalized prior to H2O2 remedies.

To heal stomach ulcers, you may also consider acid reducing otc meds like Zantac, Tagamet, among others, in combination with 1-2 grms of Chlorella.