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Curative (Midwest) on 11/22/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Garlic took care of a cold sore on my lip. I cut a piece of raw garlic in half and placed it on my lip for a few hours. I did this every day and the cold sore was almost slim to none in 3-4 days whereas for me it would take a week or more. The site where the cold sore was was not even noticeable.

Replied By J.t. (Delta, Oh, Usa) on 11/16/2011

I've been putting fresh garlic on my lip, not only burns, surrounding area seems to be discolored as well.
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Replied By Anonymous (Nc) on 02/08/2013

Garlic works. However, garlic will eat up the infected area and leave a hole! I used garlic for a boil under my arm and it left me with a hole. The skin grew back but it was not pretty. Be careful with garlic. Very potent stuff!