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John C (Weare, Nh, Us) on 10/15/2010

Is there anyone who has any latest information on hep-c being treated by traditional medicine and can use holistic remedies as well to ease the treatment. We are on the road to a liver transplant and the drugs just keep coming and I'm afraid of the extra damage being done if all they want to do is throw pills at the situation. And I have a stubborn wife who wants to believe in everything that they say and go no further in research herself because of her fatigue. Any help would be appreciated.

Replied By Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 10/15/2010

Hi John,
The only remedy that seems sound to kill the virus causing hepatitis C is lomatium dissectum. It is able to get rid of mycobacterium spp also. A study done in BC showed a significant antiviral activity in lomatium dissectum. It's a cheap product because the plant grows in the USA wildly. The native people used to use it against flue and all other viral infections. High dose of Vitamin D3 is also very recommended against Hepatitis C. However, other studies say that high dosage of Vitamine D can damage the liver. You can start with small dosage or just get some sun. I hope that can help you. I'm not a doctor but I won't recommend liver transplant to anybody. Wish you a good health. Tommy.

Replied By Linda (York County, Me) on 10/15/2010

Hi John - try googling herbal healer... She's a long-time naturopath in Arkansas..... Essiac tea, liver cleanse, etc. May be in order.... She offers a help desk email forum on Wednesdays.

Replied By Caroline (Orlando, Florida) on 04/02/2011

I have been having Autohemotherapy to treat my Hep C and I am astonished as to how well I feel. I have not felt this well in many years. My energy went off the charts at first and has now become more normal. No more fatigue!! My Naturopathic Dr. prescribed 8 treatments, twice a week. I have one more treatment left and then he suggested an 'as and when needed'. Worked well for me.
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Replied By Catpleasant (Reno, Nv, Usa) on 05/07/2011

I applaud the efforts of everybody trying the numerous and various holistic remedies for "curing" hep C. I've had it since 1975.

My liver is shot. I have COPD (bronchitis type), low platelet count (low enough for internal bleeding to be a problem), small blister in my throat that are also at the back of my tongue (new symptom/problem over the last 6-8 weeks), cirrosis of the liver, I pick up infections that are resistant to anitbiotics easily and way to often. All this is from the Hep C virus. Oh, I forgot - a "deadly form of cancer" that has been treated once and may or may not come back or spread to some organ besides the liver.

I used to ask what the viral load level was. It turns out that the viral load level can go up and down (and does) all by itself. The only time you are cured of this killer disease is when the viral load level is not detectable for 6 months. Then you have been cured.

Anything you find that lowers the viral load level is good. As long as it is detectible, the disease is still doing it's damage. I have tried just about every herb known to man. The only reason the cancer was treatable was because the tumor was still small, and an experimental treatment was used. It just happen to have worked.

I won't say that the herbals won't work. They do. They help a lot. Hep C is nothing to play around with. It is a killer. Worse than any thing - in my opinion - worse than HIV since there appears to be a treatment for it that throws that disease into remission. Where the current medical treatments for Hep C are so hard on the body that they are actually worse than the disease itself, and if you have gnome type A, those treatments don't usually work. Gnome (gee-nome) A is the commonest type in the US (where I'm at.)

There is a new treatment for Hep C, that the US FDA (wonderful group of liers) may eventually approve. It consists of 4 treatments. First treatment being one dose, 2nd being a stronger dose, 3rd a stronger dose, 4th and final being a stronger dose. It is not the interferon (forgive the misspelling please). It is a totally different type of treatment. Is available I believe in Great Britain. Wipes out the virus. Side effects are few if any, and not as severe as the chemotherapy.

From what I read, the hydrogen peroxide treatment does what the interferon does. Where the interferon creates hydrogen peroxide once it's taken. Rather sounds like the hydrogen peroxide bypasses the middle man (pharmaecuetical companies), and works directly.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if all the damage that has been done by the virus, prior to getting rid of the virus can be reversed. Any feedback on that would be great. I know that the liver rejuvenates some - by itself.

Keep doing what you're doing by all means. But research the disease as well. I wasn't told I even had it until the first treatment was created. I guess the doctors figured there was no point in telling me. (not the true reason since I was given the disease along with the immunizations received in basic training). The damage done by the time the initial interferon treatment was developed was so severe that I wasn't able to physically able to even try it. Due to the treatment destroying plateletts and the immune system.

It's only been in the last 7 months that all the really bad effects of the disease have really hit hard. So for the one who has the hep C virus, and his wife does also - the copd is secondary to the hep C.

Take care of yourselves, and keep working at getting the viral load levels down to zero.



Replied By Jim (Spfg, Il) on 05/12/2011

I read somewhere that taking coconut oil lowers the viral load (Hep. C & HIV viral loads). Please research it. Good Luck!