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Carol (Flushing, Michigan) on 09/10/2010
4 out of 5 stars

It is estimated that as much as 80% of people diagnosed with fibromyalgia have Lyme disease. This is a bacterial infection caused by the bite of a deer tick. Also there are secondary infections that go along with it as well. Finding a doctor that can correctly diagnose you is a problem however. I was chronically ill for 14 years before I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I currently drink Goji Juice. Diet and nutrition are very important. Foods such as dairy and wheat can contribute to inflammation. I also found that nightshades like tomatoes, potatoes, red and green peppers affect my joints.
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Replied By Sharon (Hazleton, Pa) on 05/31/2012

Goji berries are increasingly popular because of their high antioxidant content. However, this fruit is part of the nightshade family of plants. Other berries, such as ashwagandha, an herb used in Ayurvedic medicine, Cape gooseberries, but not normal gooseberries, ground cherries and garden huckleberries, but not blueberries, are also considered nightshades.

Replied By Lucyjane88 (Hereweare, Texas) on 12/18/2012

I think diet may be the key to it all. Glad you mentioned such. I have been dx with Tourestte's (from very early childhood), and SLE (lupus). A firend of mine thinks it's all Lyme disease. My son has Tourette's too. I was actually bitten by deer ticks in the Blue Ridge mountains years ago, as was my dog. For years we had the same symptoms, and were on the same meds! Finally, a vet tested her, and she was positive for Lyme's disease. I don't remember being tested, but have been on very long courses of abx over the years for different things. It's all about inflammation with me. If I could take away the inflammation, everything would be fine. Many food, and so many enviro toxins make me sick. My joints ache just thinking about bread. My sweet little boy tics like a clock, and has depression adn emotional problems. He also has learning/cognitive issues, and poor muscle tone. My friend who is involved with Lyme research says that I probably passed it to him when I was pregnant. Is there anything I can do to help him? I am resigned to my disablility, but he is so young and suffering.

Replied By Susie (Crystal Lake, Il) on 02/06/2013

It's very likely both you and your son have Lyme. I have it and my son has it who also is on the autism spectrum. I suspect all of his symptoms are caused by Lyme. Please find an ILADS doctor to test and treat.
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Replied By Susan (Macomb, Mi) on 02/22/2014

LucyJane88 Our family is very familiar with Lymes. Treating w/antibiotics did help but MORE SO was a complete NO GRAINS diet, including rice, corn (grains), oats, & all dairy (casein) protein, sugars and no aspertaine or HFCS (high fructose corn syrup). May you & your child feel better soon.
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Replied By Katie (Canada) on 03/10/2016

Goji berries are part of the nightshade family, too.