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Nic (Lancaster, Pa) on 09/07/2010

PLEASE HELP! 31 years old, 6 years infertile, 2 surgeries and headed to the operating room again!!!! The fertility doctor says my husband and I are "normal". There is no medical reason we can't get pregnant. I took the drug clomid over 3 yrs ago and was blessed with not 1 but 4 GIANT OVARIAN cysts..... No babies! It seems my ovaries are in overdrive still and I have had 2 laparoscopys (surgeries) in the last 28 months. I sit here, unable to work or leave the house due to heavy clotting period, still childless with my "normal body", knowing the cysts are back and another surgery will be the doctor's answer. They tell me if I get pregnant my body may no longer produce these cysts. I have not taking any other fertility drugs. I have a list of vitamins I am taking and going out to buy Apple Cider Vinegar asap. I read up on Iodine and the link with ovarian cysts. I purchased some Atomidine (water and iodine trichloride) at a health food store but want to make sure I can do all these remedies combined. I would like to take 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar, 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, and the molasses, beets and aloe vera leaf mix and and 1 drop of iodine a day. Is this safe or correct? I am COMPLELETY DESPERATE yet grateful this is driving me to seek healthy answers. It's REALLY nice to read I am not alone (with tears in my eyes).
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Replied By Helen (Beirut, Lebanon) on 09/08/2010

Hi Nic, Try the castor oil, it's for all body cysts. Warm it, apply to the cyst. Put a piece of cotton cloth full of oil also, then cover with plastic, then put a hot pad on it for one and half hour. Then u can wipe and sleep. Do it 3 to 4 times a week and see what will happen, it will shrink more and more day by day. I cured myself of many kinds of cysts with castor oil, one of them was ovarian cyst (4cm) after one week it disappeared , hope this will help, mollases is good also I drink one teaspoon daily.
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Replied By Sheree (Hammond, La) on 09/09/2010

Hi Helen, can you please tell me, did you put the oil on your lower abdomen on ovary area with heat as you did with the cysts on your skin? How often did you do it?

Replied By Helen (Beirut, Lebanon) on 09/09/2010

Hi Sheree , yes I put the castor oil on the abdomin area on the ovary then put a cotton thin cloth then cover with plastic then the heat pad for one hour and a half three to four times a week before you sleep then remove the oil from your skin with tissues then wipe with water and sodium bicarbonate it will remove the oil. It's the cure for Cysts.

Replied By Tina (Tina, Netherlands) on 09/10/2010

Hello, I had a dermoid cyst 4 cm for 6 months. It wasn't growing but my gyn wanted it out because it can twist and cause you mega pain and dermoid cysts CAN become cancerous. ( although really rare). I was terrified about surgery!! SO I tried everything for 3 months. I followed the mary parker project for 3 months lost lots of weight I actually shouldn't have lost and had absolutely no energy.

Then someone told me about the beet/ aloe/ molasses remedy and castor oil packs. I used these for 3 months non stop. Beet drink from beets in the garden, and I slept each night with a warm castor pack. I also took tons of milk thistle, vitamins and vitex and vitamine E - all that everyone recommended. I felt my energy rising really quickly. I also drank only 1tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glas ( 350 ml) of lukewarm water 3 times a day. I had tons of energy and felt like I could take the world with Gods help. I also used a terminator 11 from Don croft for 2 weeks straight. I thought all this would certainly shrink the cyst so surgery was not necessary.

Unfortunately after 3 months of this, the cyst was still the same size. I had surgery last week they left my tubes etc intact and I was back on my feet the next day feeling 100 % thanks to the good condition I was in before the surgery. No nausea, no pain, back at home in 1 day caring for kids and hubby. Now after 10 days, I have the energy for 10.. It didn't help to get rid of the cyst, but I got all my energy and positiveness back. The cyst is gone, but I am keeping to the diet just because I feel so great. Surgery was so easy, don't worry about it, it is not hardly as bad as you imagine. But make sure you are in good shape before the surgery. Hope this helps you with your fight against cysts.

I think I would do the same as you. I would also avoid ALL cow milk, avoid all gluten foods, and all refined sugar products. Take milk thistle, to help your liver and kidneys, and vitex would probably do wonders for you. Check up on Vitex for you. It takes a while to get result on this, I had a really terrible heavy period 7 days per 27 days and it is now after 4 months very light, 3 days per 28 days. I am 39. I had surgery for dermoid cyst last week. I tried it all too, but I had no success, but I was in great condition because of all this and was feeling great 1 day after surgery. Good luck Tina

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Replied By Gavin (Manganui, New Zealand) on 09/12/2010

I suggest a complete reboot to your system. Eat tuna or salmon.. Every day for a hundred days.. This will replace every molecule with the 72 essential elements.

Replied By Diane (Berkeley, Ca) on 09/13/2010

Good lord. If you eat tuna every day for 100 days, you'll probably end up with mercury toxicity. There are high levels of mercury in many large ocean-going fishes, and tuna is one of them. It might "re-boot your system" but in a bad, bad way.
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Replied By Nic (Lancaster, Pa) on 09/14/2010

Thanks so much for the advice. I started to ACV and drop of iodine everyday. Now, I am starting to break out only after a week! My skin has been clear until this point. Any suggestions?

Replied By Gavin (Manganui, New Zealand) on 09/16/2010

The mercury thing is well overdone.. Have a look at... Truehealth. Org.... If your not convinced I'll eat my hat.

Replied By Beky (Highland Park, Mi) on 01/03/2011

In august, I got a pelvic exam and was told that there was about a 5cm cyst on my ovary. I immediately started employing some natural methods, when I returned the next month, I was told that it was down to about 3.5cm, but still there, nonetheless. Then by ultrasound, I was told it was an endometrioma (or chocolate cyst) on my right ovary (which is more serious than just a functional cyst, which it was they first thought). When I researched it, the only real treatments I saw or read about were bleek, --surgery was the main option. That worried me tremendously. And I haven't had children yet, so I got even more worried, so I was faced with an awesome opportunity, not an obstacle.

So this is what I did and I wanted to share it with people. I don't know if it was a combo of all the things I did or just one thing.... In no particular order, although #1, was the very first thing I did and I did the juice fast within a week of learning about the cyst....

1. Always believed I could heal myself

2. Visualizing the cyst shrinking (over and over and over)-for weeks

3. Didn't listen to fearful stories. I avoided them or immediately discarded them. 4. Writing & journaling about my feelings, especially those concerning my reproductive organs, fears, concerns, worries, and relationship woes

5. Forgave people that I needed to forgive

6. Asked my guides, healers, angels and archangels to help me heal myself and guide me on how to do that & meditated on healing

7. Asked my body what it needed from me (& listened)--sometimes it would say exercise, sometimes sleep, sometimes it would be- 'eat blueberries'

8. Honored my feelings (released anger and frustration appropriately, practiced acceptance also)

9. Asked the cyst to kindly leave my body--thanked it for its presence first

10. Prayers of others (friends)

11. Rubbed castor oil on me and put heating pad over my abdomen

12. Biomat

13. Infrared sauna

14. Ear acupressure

15. High impact exercise (5-6/days per week)

16. Chinese moxibustion stick

17. Night/dream healing from a close friend

18. Icy-hot patches for pain

19. Healing crystal directly over skin

20. Acupuncture with scannar and laser

21. Ginger oil on the skin over my abdomen

22. A 7 day juice fast

23. Black strap molasses (in beet juice or almond milk) (p. S. When mixed with almond or soy milk, it is DELICIOUS! )

24. Increased my intake of raw foods

25. Decreased dairy intake

26. Decreased sugary & processed foods

27. Apple cider vinegar and water drinks

28. apple cider vinegar douches (1-2x/month)

29. honey & cinnamon drinks

30. Increase in using tumeric

31. Took milk thistle

32. Increased intake of ginseng

In december, I got a follow up pelvic exam and ultrasound to confirm that the cyst was GONE! For anyone reading this, if any of this resonates with you, then employ some of these therapies. If they don't resonate with you, then discard them and do whatever feels right for you. You body will tell you.

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Replied By Pilar (Brooklyn, New York, Ny) on 03/01/2011

Hi my name is Pilar and I just loved what you wrote, I have the same problem , a 5.5 cms ovarian cyst, I'd like to contact you if is possible is about the list of what you did, for example did you practice the moxibustion daily, weekly or monthly? what about the ear acupressure? that was done by a specialist, or by you learning where the acupressure points of the body are? I read that you were healed in about 5 months, if you fasted for 7 days, what was your average diet the remaining time? I will go on a raw diet, maybe a 70% and 30% wholesome cooked food, do you think this is ok or I should just stick in the raw food? how is the ginger oil applied? sorry they are so many questions, but I was very impressed with your method, I firmly beleive that one can cure oneself, in the power of faith and prayer, have a blessed week!! I will thank you forever for your help :)
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Replied By Sophia (San Francisco, Ca) on 08/04/2011

To Beky from Highland Park:

Your response resonated so much with me. I had a fluid-filled ovarian cyst last fall and healed it completely with nutritional/emotional/herbal therapies like the ones you described. However, I've just been diagnosed with a 12cm dermoid (solid) cyst- do you think nutritional/herbal remedies would be enough to heal it? Most of the literature out there says surgery is the only option for a solid cyst. That almost makes sense to me since a fluid-filled cyst could just eventually deflate/drain whereas a solid one has nowhere to go... They are suggesting I get surgery within the month, and "not to wait"- so I don't know if it's foolish or effective to spend a few months focusing on remedies such as yours. What do you think?


Replied By Larry (Rgv, Texas Usa) on 10/01/2011

Here's the real deal, been reading comments about ACV and others. Here's what will work though some of the comments are good but the molasses is still a sugar very much better than white and better for diabetics, Sugar is our main cause of a lot of problems and our life style and everything we eat/buy in the store has it or fructose in it we're Sugar Junkies. Sugar, caffeine, Vit C citris should all be avoided while doing the following to get rid of cysts. You need to take 6 drops potassium iodine SSKI in water with teaspoon ACV or 1 drop of 5-2% Lugols Iodine both found on-line or at drug stores. Supplement with Vitamin E, Selenium to control the interaction on T3-T4 and your thyroid, the selenium will help metabolize estrone& I6 Alpha to good estrogen and take Dong Quai, chinese herb that will help regulate estrogen and take as long as you can find it take Natural Progesterone pills/tablets. The iodine will need to be monitored by your Dr for your thyroid level if you continue longer than 30 days. Start slowly to make sure you are not iodine sensitive. As with the old Iodine on cuts and in water to kill bateria the Iodine will work on any one of the three types of cysts that get infected by menstral bleeding and cause pain and growth. These have worked for 90% of those and more that have tried this.

May God Bless. I hope to have e-books on this and other cures (some of which have worked on me and saved /prolonged my life) soon and possibly on kindle if I can find the time to complete writing and publish to my web pages and others.


Replied By Edita (Los Angeles, Ca) on 10/12/2011

Just a month ago I was diagnosed with 5.5cm ovarian cyst and 6 small fibroids. Doctor prescribed me birth control pills and said that most likely I will need a surgery in few months. I already had one surgery 9 years ago and I was on birth control pills long time after that. However, we want to have a baby now. I decided enough is enough; I don't want to have surgeries every 5-10 years and I wont drink birth control pills.

I found this website and it really inspired me. I could not believe that people can treat such problems themselves. Immediately I went to store and bought some beets, carrots, aloe and molasses. I squeezed fresh juice, added some apple to improve the taste. I put a big jar of juice in a fridge and it was enough for a whole week. Every morning and afternoon I made a mix of juice, aloe vera, molasses and apple cider. No precise measurements, only as much as I could drink. Since I also had fibroids, I bought vitex, milk thistle and yellow dock tinctures and I mixed in the juice. I found them on this website:

Also, I was drinking herbal teas couple times a day, usually few different at a time (dandelion, milk thistle, nettle, red clover.. ). In addition I bought moringa and maca powder, I added some kelp powder, that is good for thyroid ( I don't recommend it for cysts). That was extremely nasty and I made myself to drink just couple times. Moringa and maca are bitter, kelp made everything taste like a green swamp.

I put castor oil packs almost every night.

I tried to eat less dairy and meat, but actually it was more difficult than I thought.

One really good book I would recommend is "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom" by Christiane, Northrup. It talks a lot about emotional side of healing in addition to physical healing. I cried reading this book. I let go some emotions. I think every woman has to find out for herself, what the problem was that the cyst appeared.

I don't know is this a coincidence, or it really worked. I went to a different doctor today and he saw only 1.5cm follicle cyst, that he said is nothing to worry about, because I am about to ovulate. He said that could be two possible fibroids, but they are really small. I don't know if it worked, or was it a mistake by one of the doctors. Also, I had a two months of vacation, after stressful job with extreme overtime and had time to relax and ate tons of rasberries, from my parents garden, that are good for women. I still cannot believe myself that a large cyst is gone.

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Replied By Lola (Washington, Dc) on 10/21/2012

I feel compelled to post on this site as a way to say thank you to all that have shared what has worked for them. I have not come on this site in some time but found myself with a 2. 9cm hemorraghic cyst. I had all the symptoms of bloating, fullness, pain on side etc. I was very worried because I also want to start to TTC soon and having a cyst can complicate things. I started eating just a bit healthier, cutting down on sugar and junk food and just eating more green veggies, I'm also on prenatal vits. I read on here about the castor oil packs and decided to try it because I figured it couldn't hurt things. I made a simple pack by soaking a couple of cotton washcloths in castor oil and putting a heating pad over it. I left it on for about an hour or so. The next day I felt a bit better but not completely gone. I tried it again and left the heating pad for a longer amount but not more than 3 hours. Well the NEXT day I felt a slight burning sensation in my abdomen/stomach area and the symptoms slowly all went away, thank God!

I don't exactly know if it was the diet, vits, castor oil packs or the heat but I just know I feel all better now, and back to normal. My gyn says she was not worried about the cyst because they are normal and they come and go, and that might have been the case with this one too but I really think that the castor oil with heat is what truly made the biggest difference. I have read that one way of knowing that these types of cysts have actually dissolved is by the burning in the stomach which I definitely felt. My hopes in posting this is to help anyone that is looking for alternate ways to eliminate cysts.

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Replied By J. (Usa) on 06/28/2016

Crystals are a good idea! What kind? white clear quartz?

I have wild Red Raspberrys down the street, you put it in vodka and make a tincture?

Or eat the leaves wild?

I can't find beets, not near stores, am using raw beet organic powder.

How does the apple cider vinegar play in? Drink it in water separately? I usually drink this stuff anyway, I do drink WAY too much coffee. I have a squishy bump, was freaking out and couldn't sleep. Going to try the beets, aloe vera and molasses. Do you need the molasses or aloe vera though? I don't have a lot of extra money, it's the beet itself that will try to shrink the cyst?

I think it is worry, stress and coffee.

I also don't think these will burst and you will die! I think they are common, an online article said 3 or 4 women get them. I am not trying to get pregnant, I just found a squishy bump yesterday. I am 90% raw, and 100% vegan.

I just drink craploads of coffee every morning, unhappy with my job and addicted to coffee.

My period lasts 2 days only, every month, since I'm raw it's almost gone.

I'm going to stop drinking from plastic containers too, the hormones and BPA maybe cause all this. That has been my goal for a while but it's hard sometimes. Glass water is $$

Ginger and tumeric is supposed to be good or kill cancer cells? I don't even know if cysts are cancer. probably are.


Replied By Steve (Nevada) on 06/28/2016

I had a friend with ovarian cysts. She took iodoral for a couple of months. When she returned to her doc for a checkup he said they were almost completely gone.