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Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 09/03/2010

To Bill from Philippines,

Hi Bill, Thank you very much for your posts. I have a question regarding the use of methylene blue against Entamoeba Hartmanni. This protozoa is believed to be non-pathogenic, however, me and my wife are experiencing the same mental and GI problems and some articles talks about virulent strains of this parasite. I feel like a bubble moving in my chest. And sometimes in the back of my neck. I took the Hulda Clark protocol for a week and I felt great but after that I felt that the protozoa has developed a resistance because I continue taking the tincture (Black walnut, Wormwood, cloves) without any improvement and I felt the symptoms coming back. What I want to do next is to use Methylene Blue against this protozoa but I don't know the right protocol. I wonder if you have time to help me with that?

I'm also taking L-Argiline because I read that L-argiline stimulates the productions of Murine macrophage in mice's which make them able to fight the protozoa. God bless you.


Replied By Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 09/04/2010

Hi Tommy... Using Methylene Blue will certainly help fight your problems. MB has been used against malaria for a century and was used on American troops fighting in Vietnem with malaria. MB should always be used with Ascorbic Acid (Vit C) to avoid the side effects of the whites of the eyes turning blue and also causing blue-green urine. Use of Ascorbic acid with MB prevents these side-effects. Take at least 1000 mgs vit c with the MB.


The protocol I follow is as follows:

Add half a teaspoon of Ascorbic acid powder to the glass, then add water and mix into solution. Then, if you can, add the Baking Soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate (Arm and Hammer is fine) to this solution until the fizzing stops, to make the solution alkaline(in order to preserve the bicarbonates in your own body). Now, just add the drops of 0. 1% Methylene Blue(usually 3 - 8 drops as required). This mixture is taken outside mealtimes. Take this mixture first thing in the morning and again (if required) before 3 pm. If you take the mix after 3 pm, your mind may be too energised by the MB and you wont be able to sleep later in the evening.

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