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Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines ) on 07/24/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Everyone. . . As promised, here is a further update on my friend's cancer and what we are doing about it. There has been much confusion by the doctors on how it started -- But I believe that it wasn't lymphoma but was originally a bone cancer that started on his backbone and spread to his lymph glands causing secondary lymphoma cancer. After he had had a few 'expensive' X-ray pictures taken of his body and further radiation therapy, my friend was simply given aspirin and Panadol and sent on his way home by the doctor's in Hong Kong. Such Hippocratic dedication is truly disappointing. It is notable, regarding cancer and metastasis, that the medical fraternity has nothing whatsoever in its meager medical arsenal that can defeat any cancer once it has metastased and spread virally. The exact figures(which took some finding believe me) for cancers being cured 5 years after metastasis and even after remission are about 2-3%. They simply have no drugs or procedures that can cope with cancer metastasis. Other symptoms that I also had to take careful account of were my cancer friend's other problems. The doctor's told him that he had had about ten tiny heart attacks or strokes in his head, causing loss of feeling, drooping, loss of motor use on one side of his body for short periods. I have incorporated certain other things into the therapy to help his heart -- not least being the megadose Lysine/Vitamin C which, according to Linus Pauling's exact same therapy, should clear his heart problems gently but quickly over time. Also, one of the side-effects of the Panadol has been constipation. Anyway, the purpose of this post is simply to broadcast exactly what I'm doing to help stop and defeat these post-metastased cancers(4 of them, on his ribs, near the backbone) in my friend's body. I have to admit that my friend with cancer was unable to purchase either Azoxystrobin or BHT in Hong kong, so I had to adapt, relying now only on high dose Lysine, Vitamin C(Ascorbate form) and Protease Enzymes for the main assault on the cancer and Essiac tablets which provide the Tannic Acid to decloak the cancer, halt cancer growth, prevent angiogenesis etc. To this effect, and to help other people, I have written up a daily protocol(which my cancer friend is following now) in simple table format and I have put it in a shared folder on Google Docs that anyone can have a look at. Here is the link:

Bill's Daily Cancer Protocol Schedule


And just to be clear, ALL the protocols that I use in this therapy are based on Ted from Bangkok's protocols. I must also add a huge thanks to Ted from Bangkok who has so generously and patiently answered every question that I have asked him through emails. The only deviation from his therapy is the Essiac tablets -- since I couldn't get the Tannic Acid -- so Ellagic acid will have to do. I will only have 3 weeks before my friend goes back to the expensive Hong Kong doctors, so this is why the protocol I've used is quite aggressive. After we discussed the protocol last Friday, my cancer friend started just the Lysine and Vitamin C megadoses yesterday and today he is laid up in bed with a slight fever, which I am happy about -- this means his immune system now actually sees and is fighting the cancer. His liver seems to be coping well because he still has a healthy appetite. But I am prepared to give protease enzymes, hydrochloric acid drops and Vitamin B100 if his appetite begins to slide. The Daily Protocol that my friend is using will change once he comes out of the Herx or cancer die-off reaction. I will be further increasing both the Lysine and Protease Enzyme doses, which is necessary to particularly defeat the bone cancer. If anyone wants to know more about this daily protocol schedule, I'll be glad to answer any questions on this ongoing remedy on EC, since this is all about passing on knowledge after all. I have also decided to keeping a daily journal of all symptoms, events, changes and remedies used and will eventually be putting this up on my Google Docs Shared Items. I will also update here on my friend's cancer status regularly. Be well.

EC: Per Bill's request, this feedback has been cross-posted from

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Replied By Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 07/24/2010

Hi Bill - WOW! That's a really impressive protocol you've put together for your friend. Thanks for sharing. It's sad - although not surprising - that the conventional doctors didn't do anything but, fortunately, you've devised such a thorough therapeutic program. I'll be following your updates. Good luck to you and your friend.
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Replied By Isabelle (Garden Grove, Ca Usa) on 07/25/2010

Dear Bill, thank you so much for your great help in organizing and, as a result, clarifying all those fantastic info on so many important remedies and explanations point from Ted's extraordinary mind. I am learning and copying from many of your posts since I found this site and I am very grateful. You did a remarkable job for your friend and thanks to your generosity many peoples are benefiting from it (I am collecting info for a friend's brother in law with stage IV liver cancer). May all the universe blessings be upon you, and all the generous peoples participating in this site!
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Replied By Connie (Slc, Utah) on 07/26/2010

I am happy to be one of the many supporters of your efforts to heal your good friend. He's in the best of hands. I have learned much from your posts, and appreciate greatly the information and experience you have offered to us all. In the case of your good friend's protocol, I am offering a caveat that may not or may apply to his situation. ( I bring this up because I caused a regression in my own situation. ) Many of the compounds that we use contain Chlorides. (HCL, MgCl, Lysine and other amino acids, B complex, et al. ) Several months ago, I increased compounds with these acids and began to have increased pain associated with my conditions. I was confused about the why of it, but realized it when I examined a recent blood test. (sometimes they can present clues to people like me, with suppressed instincts). My chlorides were high normal, and my Co2, (indicates also oxygen and bicarbonates), was also high normal. I guessed that I had been over-supplementing with acidic compounds. This may not be true to your protocol, but in the interest of balance and healing, I introduce this possibility. Thank you, I hope for you both, the greatest success. Connie
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Replied By Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 07/27/2010

I would like to give a big thanks to everyone who has offered support in my effort in trying to help my friend with cancer using Ted's approach. He has only been on my protocol for about 3 days and, to be honest, it has been quite dramatic with many frustration and a few setbacks. Yesterday he had another stroke which was caused by his liver and kidneys not working properly, thus promoting thick or toxic blood which will have a tendency to clot in these circumstances. His blood was accumulating the cancer toxins, debris etc and his liver and kidneys were just not doing their job excreting the waste. He has had hard stools and insufficient urinations since before starting the protocol. This problem was stopped by my friend taking a laxative, after which his stool was soft and his urination was huge. He feels much better now but I still am not sure about his liver -- so I've deviated from Ted's protocol and will introduce a herbal mix containing Chanca Piedra, Heart Vine, Tumeric and Neem leaves. This should sort out both his liver and kidneys -- I know this decoction well -- I use it once a month for many things and I've used it successfully with other people who have had gout, arthritis and diabetes. Anyway, I also thought that keeping a daily dairy/journal would be helpful just to give people an idea of the other weird problems that crop up during this sort of cancer treatment. Here is the link to my journal and the cancer protocol schedule which has also changed significantly(these changes will be ongoing):

The Cancer Journal

To Connie. . . You are right that chlorides are not generally good for the body, but Magnesium Chloride his some peculiarly beneficial properties that are unique. See this link:

Magnesium Chloride

Regarding the use of Hydrochloric Acid in a cancer diet -- this is used simply to promote appetite -- after all, if you have cancer and you are not producing hydrochloric acid in the stomach, you will need this acid to both promote appetite and to digest food in the stomach. If you don't do this, then it is very likely the person with cancer will starve to death through nausea, lack of appetite etc. -- this is called cachexia which occurs regularly at the end of a terminal cancer. The B Vitamins (which is in the Dessicated liver tablets) is also a natural appetite stimulant. Regarding lysine -- this is the main attack on the cancer -- together with the Vitamin C and the Protease Enzymes. Provided you alkalize sufficiently as well, there should really be no problems with these chloride substances.
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Replied By Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 09/07/2015


You sound very knowledgeable. I was just wondering if milk thistle with artichoke would help regenerate the liver? Artichoke is very cleansing for the liver.

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Replied By Jorge (Germany) on 04/23/2016

Hi Bill,

My son has advanced bone cancer. Can you tell me how your friend did? Do you know of others who perhaps have dealt succesfully with Bone Cancer using your protocol? Please get back to me as soon as you can.



Replied By Bill (San Fernando) on 04/25/2016

Hi Jorge...The man I helped several years ago initially had a melanoma which eventually metastasized to his ribs and lymph. He was in stage 3 or 4 when he asked me for help. After the 11th day on my protocol, he was no longer bed-ridden and he was up and about and improving. Unfortunately, he suddenly flew to Hong Kong on the 12th day (no longer taking the protocol) to see his sons and daughters who all wanted him to take the chemo again. Three days after he left for Hong Kong I received notification by email from his family telling me that he had died. He had the chemo and it was too much for him.

Regarding your son's bone cancer, the same rules always apply and these are:

*Thoroughly Oxygenate the the cells of the body

*Revive and boost the immune system to help fight the cancer

*Kill any organisms involved in aiding the cancer

* Improve the diet -- no sugar, fats or carbohydrates.

*Kill the cancer cells themselves.

I won't be recommending any of the herbs I used in the above case because they are local Filipino herbs and would be difficult to obtain. So what I shall relate here is mostly Ted from Bangkok's cure for bone cancer plus one or two other suggestions as well.

Lysine is supplemented at 1000mgs once every hour for four four hours in the morning and four times in the evening. You can also mix in 500 mgs(1/8 tspn) vitamin C with this as well. Take them together with water and away from meals. So take this protocol 8 times a day. This will raise up your immune system and help to stop the cancer from spreading.

Take the Beta-Glucan twice a day. Get the powder form and mix it with the lysine and water etc for ease and convenience. The dose is half a teaspoon or 2000mgs twice a day. The Beta Glucan helps the immune T-cells to recognize the cancer and ultimately to kill it.

To help oxygenate the cells, take one to three capfuls of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a liter of water. Drink one liter of this per day. This will help to reduce the pain as well as help to thoroughly oxygenate the body.

Supplement chromium picolinate at 1000 mcg twice a day. This lowers the blood sugar and so helps to stop the growth and spread of the cancer. I would also add either Gymnema sylvestre tea or Chanca piedra tea to the protocol.This will help also to reduce blood pressure, reduce blood sugar and will help prevent heavy, sticky blood and also helps avoid heart problems.

Take niacin at 100 mgs three times a day with meals. This also helps to unclump the blood safely. Take the niacin with Lugols iodine or SSKI(Saturated Solution of Potassium Iodide) -- five drops taken with a glass of water will help the pain.

Lastly, once a day topically use DMSO(Dimethyl Sulfoxide) on its own in a 70% solution over the area of the bone cancer. After it has been absorbed into the skin then just rub some aloe vera oil over the area to prevent skin irritation. The DMSO helps to revert and differentiate cancer back to normal cells. If you wish to greatly enhance the DMSO -- you can also optionally add a 1% solution of Gallium Nitrate in a 50-50 mix with the DMSO. The gallium nitrate acts like a trojan horse that will only kill cancer cells, not healthy cells. You can purchase a 14% solution of Gallium Nitrate from here.

I would further take Selenium, Milk Thistle and acetyl cysteine at regular dosages to help the liver and kidneys get rid of the cancer poisons safely.

If there is any difficulty with appetite and your son cannot eat then double or quadruple dauly dosages of protease enzymes with pancreatin must be given with all meals together with Betaine HCL and B50 Complex.

Perhaps the most important of all the information that I've given you up top is to keep your son's blood sugar below 90 mgs/decL. If you can achieve that every day then the cancer's growth and spread will be stopped in its tracks and you will have all the time in the world to kill the cancer itself.

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Replied By Natalie (GA) on 11/11/2023

How does a person figure out the percentages? Regarding dosages? I have not heard of some of these. Thank you!

Replied By Janet (Indiana) on 04/25/2016

Bill, You are the best, THANK YOU for all you do Janet
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Replied By Timh (Ky) on 04/26/2016

If I may add a few suggestions to Bill's great advice. Oxygenating the body is very difficult during a condition of acidosis (which is in all cases of cancer). So, the first step prior to H2O2 supplementation is alkalizing. Alkalizing alone can kill cancer and increases oxygen levels significantly by itself, so oxygen therapy will always work best fallowing alkalizing.

Oral remedies for alkalizing are not suited for extreme cases like advanced cancer, so the best method is whole body hot baths with 1/4 cup Epsom Salt and 1/4 cup Borax daily until significant relief then slowly taper down. Hot Baths also are great for general detoxing as sweating removes toxins. Massaging the sore & infected lymph glands during the bath will help much. Hot Baths also have a shocking effect on the entire body which acts as a kinda "reset" especially for the immune system. Lingering long in our modern comfort zones with all the impurities is like a stage for cancer to set up shop. The Borax has significant potential in cancer cases especially bone because Borax kills mycoplasma infections which are commonly found in joints & bones. Borax will also mineralize the bones with Boron. Magnesium Sulfate is also a great alkalizer but also boost detoxification.

One more very important fact in the cancer treatment process is the need for Systemic Enzymes like Nattokinase or Serrapeptase, especially in bone diseases involving infections or cancer as these enzymes burst through protective barriers called Biofilms so the treatments can get inside the actual cancer cells. Bill has informed us well on the situation.

More on minerals and cancer, Potassium is disruptive to cancer and is also alkalizing. Potassium Gluconate will be taken up readily by the cancer cells hungry for glucose; take 1 90 mg tablet per day. Potassium Iodide should be used; Cesium Chloride is effective against cancer as it is a potent alkalizer.

More on minerals as they are particular to bone health. Probably the single greatest threat to bones is radioactive Strontium aka Strontium 90 which has been released into the environment from nuclear bombs, nuclear fallout or meltdown like Chernobyl and Fukushima. The greatest concentration of radioactive Strontium is in cows milk thus infecting all dairy foods in general and cheese especially. I have found oral administration of Strontium Citrate next to nothing compared to Powdered Strontium Carbonate taken one spoon in hot bath; and for maximum effect take 2 capsules of Sarsaparilla herb.

I feel apologetic going on about with minerals but there is even another significant fact in this case. From the readers end this information may not seem very important so I must elucidate more. The case of cancer is a case of acidity and acidity is a case of mineral loss. In a condition of chronic acidosis the bones leach out minerals like Boron, Manganese, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and most important Calcium. To replace the Calcium deficiency the bones will readily take up Strontium 90 from dairy foods. So if this situation is not addressed, IMHO the likelihood for reversing the cancer progress is very slim.

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Replied By John (Sydney, Australia) on 06/05/2016

Hi Bill, I am reading a lot of information here in Earth Clinic and I have seen many of your posts and really appreciate your contributions.

My mother inlaw has Stage IV Lung Cancer which has spread to ribs and breast (it probably started in her breast that was removed 9 years ago with breast cancer).

I note that you are in the Philippines and although you did not itemise the herbs you recommend here because they are herbs from the Philippines, my mother in law is Filipino and usually resides in the Visayas. Although currently in Manila seeing her naturopath.

We are finding the naturopath supplements are financially draining (I noted 1 supplied was from a multi level marketing network). Of course, I am sure they help - she has survived a stage IV lung cancer diagnosis for 3 and half years!

Would you be so kind to share the Filipino herbs (local names) you suggest and even where to buy quality variants if possible?

Thank you again Bill.

Replied By Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/07/2016

Hi John... That request of yours took me back some -- that was a few years ago for sure. And I'm sorry to here about your mother-in-law.

I had to dig into my notes from that time to help get the exact facts. I managed to find the daily protocol that I used which is here:

Ted's Cancer Protocol

I also used a Filipino herb called Makabuhay (Tinospora cordifolia) mixed equally with Chanca piedra or Sampa-sampalukan as a decoction twice a day (this form is stronger than a tea). Both of these herbs grow profusely all over the lowlands in the Philippines. So you can get these for free or you can also buy them in the herbal markets. I used both these herbs as anti-virals and anti-fungals and as a help to reduce sugar in the body. This is very important for people with cancer. If you can reduce the sugar and stop the cancer growing then it cannot spread, which gives you more time to get rid of it.

Makabuhay is a vine that looks like this. And Samapa-sampalukan looks like this.

The short list of nutrients that I used in the protocol is shown here:

* Lysine -- kills the cancer stops metastasis and lifts up the immune system

* Threonine -- kills the cancer raises the immune system

* Green Tea or Green Tea Extract -- stops cancer growth and stops metastasis or spread.

* Vitamin C-- helps to kill the cancer and raises the immune response to cancer

* Beta Glucan -- kills the cancer and rapidly improves immune system defense.

* Acetyl Cysteine(very important) -- Reduces sugar metabolism in the body and starves the cancer of glucose, further halting cancer growth and spread. Needed to produce glutathione which helps to protect the lungs and liver.

* Lugols Iodine(optional but advised) -- Kills cancer, gives energy, reduces pain, boosts immune system.

The above nutrients, in terms of availability, should not be a problem -- you should be able to buy them at any SM Mall. The only exception is the iodine which I could only find in Manila at these locations(and this was a few years ago):

Lugol's Iodine
Generics King Pharmacy
San Francisco
930-G Del Monte Ave,
1104 Quezon City,
Tel: 632-4116692

DKlLaboratory Supplies
1575 Espana st Sampaloc Manila
Tel: 0917-897-3326

It would also benefit your mother-in-law if she drank a tea made from the Pink Perwinkle(Catharanthus roseus) or Sitchirika plant(also called Amnias, Atay-bia or Kantotan in different locales in the Philippines). The plant looks like this. It grows all over the place in the lowlands and at the roadsides and is very common. I'm sure you must know this plant. Make a tea using four or five small leaves. Twice a day. This one is strongly anti-cancer. This plant is the source of natural vincamine, an alkaloid which was used in the 1950s as the basis to develop the chemical model for the patented Vinca drugs -- vincristine and vinblastine -- that are still being used in cancer chemo today. But whereas the patented chemo form is dangerous and debilitating for patients, the natural periwinkle tea form is as safe as houses and free.

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Replied By John (Manila) on 08/06/2016

Thank you Bill, mother inlaw is now back in Manila. Really appreciate the information. The *biggest* issue is the pain of the ribs. So much so, she wants to get the ribs removed. However, with the injections from the naturopath breathing is almost without nebulization now (maybe once a day) We will follow your advice above. VERY HELPFUL to have the local herbs and their names - it is difficult buying somethings in the Philippines. Of course if you have bottomless pockets, you can buy anything. Many thanks!
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Replied By Bill (San Fernando) on 08/09/2016

Hi John...That's wonderful news about your mother-in-law. A fifty-fifty mix of lugol's iodine and DMSO(Dimethyl Sulfoxide) topically rubbed into you're mother-in-law's rib region every day should also help with the pain. After it has been absorbed just rub in some aloe vera oil to avoid any skin sensitivity issues. A 70% DMSO solution on its own would also work.

Much thanks again for your feedback.

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Replied By Carolinablueskies55 (Nc) on 05/25/2018

John, can the liquid DMSO be taken by mouth for bone cancer? If so, what wld the protocol be? I have a close friend diagnosed with bone cancer by his primary doc's radiolist. My friend has pain in both thighs really bad. Primary doc prescribed Tamadol 50mg for the pain so he can continue to work & it helps bc he was told to take 2 pills every 8 hours. A MRI is scheduled to confirm the radiologist findings. We sure pray he is wrong bc my sweet friend thought he was having sciatica andor herniated disc problems which can cause severe back pain down the legs. I know my brother had sciatica & herniated disc pain so bad he could barely walk without excruciating shooting pain. I don't know why my brother's doc did not refer him to a chiropractor. Anyway, if the MRI is not favorable, my friend intends to get a second opinion. He really does not trust the greedy uncaring medical system & I don't either. Everyone we knew whom we watched go the way of chemo & radiation DIED within a year or two after suffering unbearable agony by those two expensive poisons & then morphine.

Thank you for your time.