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Melhope (Woburn, Ma, United States) on 07/11/2010
1 out of 5 stars

Ok so I have been doing the combo of H2O2, Acidophils pills and vagina insert and Folic acid for 3 days now. The first I did the H202 douche the smell went away but I had slight spotting. The smell came back yesterday and today I did the douche again and put plain yogurt in my vagina last night. Well, the smell is still slightly there and I got some more spotting!! I'm so frustrated because it seems like so many women are getting good results from this!! Does anyone think that my non hormonal IUD could be affecting the treatment? OR am I not waiting long enough?

Replied By Clueless In Nc (Greensboro , Nc) on 07/12/2010

Hello, so far I have been trying the combinations I've read about so far. I didn't realize what I had til I did some research this site saved me a trip to the doctor. So far I find that for the most part 1600mcg of folic acid is the norm, but I'm still doing trial and error with the acidophilus because I'm afraid that I don't over do it and put too much good bacteria. Not quite sure I'm doing the douche correctly. I got a medicine dropper and have been putting it in my vagina that way, is that right? I keep reading about this bag-how do you do that? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

Replied By Gia (Lancaster, Tx) on 07/17/2010

I just read the blog about BV and how it should be treated. I continue to have this ongoing BV and I take over-the-counter and medicine prescribed by doctor. It helps for about a week and then it returns. I was told that I couldn't douche anymore and to use unscented not sensitive dove soap. Also, I just was diagnosed with MRSA in 12/2009, and just wanted to know if the MRSA is why I keep having recurring BV?

Replied By Kannedy (Baltimore, Md) on 08/02/2010

I'm glad I found this site. I've been struggling with BV off and on for three years now. The first time I took an antibacterial medication which worked almost instantly. The second time (appx 1.5 yrs later) my doctor prescribed me with a gel that did nothing for me so I never went back. It's been over 6 months since I tried the gel and have just been getting frustrated with the odor and discharge! Taking tips from this site has really helped me develop my own regimen. This is what I used and it has worked so far. I douched with 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 cup water twice (two days in between). I also took a women's multivitamin along with 2 tablets of probiotic acidophilus (I take the multivitamin and probiotic daily now). So far, the discharge and odor are gone! Hallelujah! I'll wait to see if it's still okay next month (since I usually notice the odor after my cycle). Question: Does anyone know how prolonged BV affects those trying to conceive?

Replied By Jennifer (Houston , Texas) on 08/29/2010

I was suffering symptoms that seemed to be BV for three months now. I had mucous discharge and smelled like old lady coochie. I came on earthclinic and tried the remedies but the h2o and acidophilus worked temporially. Thanks to Gia from Lancaster, tx bc mentioned mrsa... I had a single boil in Jan of this year was swabbed and it came back positive for mrsa, took the antibiotics that doctor prescribed after that I found earthclinic and started taking turmeric to prevent another boil. Took turmeric for about 2 weeks but I did feel a faster paced heart beat so I stopped taking it in February. Fast forward to now it's august and I'm feeling gross with this BV and I read GIA's comment on how she was just diagnosed with mrsa and her question if the mrsa and recurrent bv were connected. Well I believe they do and thanks Gia for reminding me of the mrsa bc I made the connection with my previous mrsa case and this recurrent bv( 3 awful months)!!!! So what I did is I immediately took 2 homemade capsules filled with turmeric extract. I took two in morning and two at night. I had a bad stomach pain I could feel the turmeric literally fighting off the bad bacteria in my woman parts! I was cramping and my stomach bloated the first day. Took another two in morning on second day.... I got even more bloated and felt more cramps and even was sleepy plus I felt like I had a fever!!! So by now I'm kinda scared like woah!!! Should I be taking this turmeric maybe I'm doing my body harm- but no I continued with another two at night and I felt like I had the flu and I had a light fever and bloating, etc. But now I was convinced that it must be the turmeric and my body fighting off this infection.... The next morning I feel much better. I take one capsule in the morning day three and u won't believe that the smell of the bv and the awful discharge are gone ALL of it I feel like a new woman I can go without panties if I want!! Instead of wearing a darn pantyliner full of nasty smelling discharge. So I'm going to continue with the turmeric probably one capsule twice a day for about a month. I believe that for me the mrsa was connects to the bv. I have never had bv in my life it showed up a couple of months after I became mrsa positive. Mrsa is a horrible "disease" to live with I thought it was gone bc my boil was gone....

Replied By Bina B (Merced, Ca) on 09/12/2010

BV is most caused due to a a build up of bad bacteria- your partners unclean hands, your own unclean hands, multiple partners, partners not clean body parts, not changing your sanitary products frequently enough, even getting a small piece of paper or something in your vagina, soaps anything that will cause a flora imbalance, the BIGGIE IS STRESS, < a biggie> because when you are stressed your immune system gets weak, and bad bacteria can invade more easily.

The bad thing about having MRSA which I had back in fourth for about a year KOw which I didnt get rid of until I stopped using the prescribed antibiotic soap because gets rid of both good and bad bacteria on your skin and allows the bad bacteria (MRSA) to flourish and causes an imbalance on your skin- MOST people who have MRSA have compromised immune systems, meaning after taking all those bacteria killing antibiotics you need to restore the balance with good bacteria- and rebalance the natural flora in your body- I do not know why doctors do not tell you this- imbalance can lead to gas, bloating, problems going number two, constant yeast infections & overgrowth, heartburn, lactose intolerance, fatigue the list goes on.

SO that is how MRSA is connected to BV. If you get MRSA you have to take those antibiotics to get rid of it. As far as the BV I would try some of these remedies these other ladies are trying for at least 7 days to 6 months or longer to get your balance back right, eat healthy drink lots of water and eat yogurts from trader Joes (health foods store) twice a day with live cultures, try to stay away from heavy sugars, then that will assist in getting your bodies flora back in shape- I know its easier said then done though. Oh and I forgot get exercise to boost your immune system, and remove yourself from stressful situations. "Also be careful when using acidophilus inserts and such they can irritate your skin down there, its already irritated make sure to apply sterile vaseline or something." Some people have a such a problem

And don't stop your regimen even if you have to take antibiotics again.


Replied By Wanted: A Healthy Vajay (St.louis, Mo) on 10/26/2010

The past few years I have struggled with what I thought was recurring sinusitis and with lifelong asthma, I was living on anti-biotics and high doses of steroid inhalers, but never getting better. I kept getting yeast infections and would get meds called in from the doc, which was always embarrassing having to call about once a month! During this period, I have also became lactose intolerant, which is most definitely NOT helping my already depleted "vaginal ecosystem". After visiting an ENT and getting scoped and an MRI, we come to find out all the sinus infections were due to severe allergies! So I stopped the anti-biotics and went full force on allergy injections once a month and take cetrizine (antihistamine) religiously everyday for the past six months. I have not have one sinus infection since-- yay! But on the down side, I thought I was having a yeast infection from hell, went to the doctor to find out it was BV!! I had been researching yeast infections prior to the doctor's visit and asked the doc if I could get some lactobacillus suppositories to help rebuild my ecosystem. She just prescribed me flagyl. I was skeptical and asked if this was going to be a recurring problem, but she said it shouldn't be.

I researched BV online and found otherwise. Also after reading the insert on the antibiotics, I found the side effects and warnings are that it may cause C-dif and other problems related to wiping out all the bad bacteria- What the heck?? How could doctors SERIOUSLY be treating people with bacterial related infections with this crap?? You would think with all the research and technology we have, aside from the dozens of testimonies women have written online, they would have figured it out by now!! (I also have mild c-dif, which I also presume is from lack of lactose and anti-biotics destroying my good bacteria. ) My mom, an RN for over 20 years suggested an apple cider vinegar douche, but I had been told by doctors for years douches are a no-no. Anyway, I took a round of antibiotics and it went away for a couple of weeks. Now the BV is back with vengeance, preventing me from having sex with my boyfriend---the pain and discomfort are unbearable with bleeding after sex, and constantly smelling like a nasty gym bag!!! I have been looking online for natural remedies--could only find those websites trying to sell A BOOK FOR $30-60--- again, ARE YOU SERIOUS??!

When I found this site, it was an AH-HA moment for me. I am so glad women are finding the lacto capsules with folic acid, B vitamins and H202 douches are effective. I am going out right now to buy some and keep my fingers crossed! I am also interested to hear that women have found avoiding sugar and gluten beneficial. I also suffer from endometriosis and have been trying to follow the "endometriosis diet" to keep it under wraps. It seems there are general guidelines for overall health that come from a simple diet and natural supplements along with regular exercise, sleep, and stress management that our healthcare providers do not emphasize enough and instead skip over to prescribe harmful pharmaceuticals--some are even being manufactured in China!! God knows what is actually in our medications these days.

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Replied By Sheila (Kennesaw, Ga) on 02/03/2011

I have suffered from yeast/bv for decades, and have been prescribed everything. I always take probiotics, mega doses, and have researched all of this for years. Now, after hearing all of these testimonials, I'm trying the H2O2, and will get some folic acid, and more probiotics.

I suffered from endometriosis for years. Jonathan V. Wright is one of many that have an all natural "cocktail" of supplements, including black cohosh, Chasteberry, DHEA, etc. That will help with the symptoms of endometriosis. It helped me for four years until finally I did have to have a hysterectomy. But, I did get some relief, and was very grateful. The docs just do not feel comfortable re: anything alternative, unless they have gone back to workshops, etc. And are open to them.

The supplements suggested by Dr. Wright and a multitude of others are amazing.

I am hoping that I will get some relief finally from BV, after suffering, and I do mean SUFFERING for so many years. I was diagnosed and treated and it just keeps coming back. I am on no sugar, no meat, special bread, spelt is wonderful, and hopefully, after starting the H2O2 douches tonight, I will see some results.

I have always believed there was a better way. God bless all of you for sharing, and thank God for the internet!!!!


Replied By Ikatcure (Hamden, Ct, Uas) on 05/10/2011

Hi, I'm new to the forum. I posted this yesterday but couldn't find it. Hope it's more accessible here.

I was diagnosed with bv 3 years ago and since then I have taken multiple oral and topical antibiotics, all while abstaining from sex, eliminating sugar and refined carbs and taking probiotics and folic acid but my symptoms always returned.

I tried all of the regimines listed on EC for bacterial vaginosis but they all only worked temporarily.

Finally I decided to try oregano oil. I bought it at the health food store. It's also available online. There is an essential oil which should not be used. I used the kind that is blended with olive oil and fit for consumption. I took it orally (3 drops 4 times daily for 14 days) and applied it vaginally (1 drop 2 times a day for 7 days then 1 drop once a day for 7 days). I know that generally it is unadviseable to use this oil vaginally but it was the only thing that worked for me and it was uncomfortable for about 5 minutes a day but completely worth it. It's been 3 weeks now and none of my symptoms have returned. I apply 1 drop internally after sex and take 2 drops daily by mouth. I don't know if it's necessary to continue this treatment but I think I will for the time being just to make sure it's gone for good.

I also inserted a tampon with plain organic yogurt 4 hours after my second oregano oil application and left it for 2 hours daily. (I tried this with the other treatments too so I know this in and of its self wasn't the cure)

This condition has been terrible to try and deal with. Between visits to the DR, prescriptions and various treatments I spent over a thousand dollars trying to treat this without any success. I hope that sharing this remedy will help someone else out there who is still looking for help.

Note! Do not use this cure if you are using condoms as your main mode of contreception - the oil may break down the latex.

Best wishes for good health to all the ladies out there who are suffering with this condition.


Replied By Nursemamaof2girls (A Little Lost Town, Me) on 06/14/2011

I was just diagnosed with this BV crap. This is the second time I have had it. Both times I was unaware I had it because I have no symptoms. I have read over and over that this is the most common vaginal infection out there. Well if it is, then why don't they automatically test you for it during all pelvic exams? If untreated, it can lead to PID. These dr's need to get smart. I refuse to take flagyl for the simple fact that it completely destroys your stomach to pieces and then you are left diarrhea and a yeast infection. No thanks. I just have to say that I am going shopping tomorrow for a few items to try at home! Thanks to all the wonderful women out there that are posting such wonderful advice. And for once I would like a man to deal with this problem just once. They did give me an Rx for metragel. Has anyone tried this and if so did it work? I really don't know what to look for because I honesly don't have the discharge or odor...=/

Replied By Sarah (Delphos, Ohio) on 08/26/2011

To Nursemamaof2girls, metrogel is the generic form of Flagyl and is of course applied externally rather than the oral route. I have been on and off of metrogel for 11 years now. All I can say is it worked great at first but over the years I developed some resistance to it in addition to diflucan and monistat and then went on to develope VRE down there after a hysterectomy. Metrogel does work great if you have a good immune system then you prolly wont go on to develope any side effects or resistance. One thing to consider if you are on metrogel/flagyl frequently is that it has the potential to be carcinogenic.