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Janie (Colorado) on 07/07/2010
5 out of 5 stars

My husband has COMPLETELY gotten rid of his severe lactose intolerance by using one tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in his morning water every morning. He also adds a heaping 1/8th tsp baking soda to the ACV, then adds water. But I'm sure it's the ACV that has done the trick. He now eats ice cream and milk products with NO side effects. It's like a miracle. Note that you will need to be diligent with doing this, and give it several weeks before noticing any positive results.
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Replied By Anna (Philadelphia, Pa, Usa) on 07/08/2010

Yes! It happened to me too! I think it is acid. I love yogurt but suffered after indulging in it. Then I noticed that yogurt mixed as smoothie with strawberries is ok. Few weeks ago I started drinking acv (gives me lots of energy, radiant skin etc but most of all I like it) and now yogurt is ok even without strawberries! (although such a smoothie is great).
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Replied By Fismom (Atlanta, Georgia) on 03/21/2012

hmmm... Well, I have been drinking ACV daily for 5 months and I am still totally lactose intolerant so not sure that it CURES it... but good for that guy up there.

I WILL say though that if you do have some dairy drinking ACV with a little baking soda will help with the nausea associated with lactose consumption.


Replied By Marie31 (Melbourne, Victoria) on 04/10/2012

Hi, I'm 16 and ive recently been diagnosed with lactose intolorence and ive noticed that I still get sick if I eat even the slightest bit of dairy. Just wondering with the ACV how much water does he put in?

Replied By Sal (Cottage Grove, Or) on 06/29/2012

After 15-16 years of not being able to eat any milk products I can now eat frozen yogurt and cheese in small quantities. I highly recommend drinking raw milk. I was scared to death to try it, but it works and has enabled me to re-introduce some dairy back into my diet.
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Replied By Lloyd (Charlotte, Nc) on 12/13/2012

To Marie on her question of how much water to use; a half glass is fine. But if that is too strong, a full glass.

I use about one third glass of water, add the ACV (about a tablespoon or a little more) add one quarter teaspoon of Baking soda... Allow it to finish fizzing (20 seconds) and drink on empty stomach preferably before eating any lactose product or evening meal. I have found I can eat small amounts of ice cream and milk but still not too much especially if I've eaten red meat in the same day.


Replied By Justin (Vancouver, Wa) on 03/11/2013

Confused, isn't ACV acidic and Baking Soda base? How is combining these two elements good just before drinking them?