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Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 05/23/2010
5 out of 5 stars


Did my heart cathether Friday and was told my veins are clear.No kidding and after no less than 50 EDTA Chelations. I thought Chelation did not work. I have no plaque, but my Heart guy says I need to get on a statin drug. At 73 and no plaque and eating lard with every meal since I's a red neck Southerner, why would I want to mess up a good thing.

Peoples, yo local doctor is worse than your used car salesman. Now have 4 doctors. 3 know who the Lord is and the heart guy thinks he is God. He did tell me that I have hardening of the arteries. He got the ass when he found out that I was doing Chelation. Now that I have no
plaque, what is he going to say now?

In the Chelation Clinic , I have talked to over 300 folks and none go to a Cardiologist any more. They have all had by -
passes ,stints , etc. and now all just do chelation to keep their vessels open.

Before you do a by-pass, check into EDTA Chelation.

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Replied By Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Ten Usa) on 06/19/2010

HI U BOYS AND GIRLS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Don't have many words of wisdom for you since my latest heart episode. It appears that the Japanese herb to thin my blood is working as my vitals are bettern ever. My Cardiologist was disappointed that my vessels are all open. He still wants me to go on a Statin Drug , which I will not. He still says EDTA Chelation does not work ,but I know better.

Got a wild hair and had the CEDSA procedure the other day. The technician said I was consumed with parasites and most were in my heart. She prescribed a Detox based on the electrical frequency of these buggers. I know that is so from reading Hulda Clark's book. I will do this along with using Clark's electrical Zapper.

Am dropping my Anti-Aging Doctor as she is begining to be consumed by her ego. When you catch Doctors in a lie, then you need to move on. Wish I had some words of wisdom but I still got lots to learn. Thought I would be smart at age 65 , but did not make it. Set new goal at 75 and appears that will not happen either.

If I get out of this health hole , I'll share it with you'uns, which is East Tennessean for you.

=======ROBERT HENRY==========

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Replied By Denise (Finger , Tn) on 09/05/2010

Mr. Henry, Where did you get your EDTA Chelation done? I'm in W.TN and have been looking to have the CT done? Thank you and glad that you are doing well!
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Replied By Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 09/05/2010

There is an organization call ACAM which most Chelation doctors belong. Look up that site to find the nearest one to you. I go to Dr Holiday in Athens, Tn. Dr Holliday is a Thoracic Surgeon who got tired of cutting off patients limbs because of poor circulation. He still does surgery, but receives his joy by keeping them healthy. Henry is my middle name which my mother used when she had the ass at me.
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Replied By Denise (Finger, Tn) on 09/07/2010

Thank you, I have a name and will phone this morning.
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Replied By Deb (Waterloo, Ia) on 12/04/2010

My mom went to McDonnell (sp)Center in Kansas city, Mo in the 70's for chelation and it worked. She is 82 and no heart blockages.
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Replied By Anthony (Houston, Texas) on 03/16/2011

I haven't done EDTA chelation. But, I've heard great things about it, including from my dad who is a retired EENT guy in his mid-seventies.

However, there is a doctor out of California I have a lot of respect for, and whose newsletter I received for a number of years. His name is Robert Rowen. I let the newsletter lapse about 1 1/2 years ago, but not before reading about his excitement of an EDTA suppository that someone had come up with. Apparently, it's so very much cheaper than an IV regimen, has a 30-something % absorption rate, and stays in the system for an extended period of time - I beleive it's about 8 hours. Dr. Rowen was recommending it over IV chelation. If anyone wants me to look up the product, please reply and let me know.

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Replied By Simon (Boston, Ma) on 04/05/2011

Hi there, I was diagnose With C H D 2 years ago, chest pain, not able to walk, shortness of breath, hbp, hi choI and arteries plaques, I was prescribe the standart medication. At the same time I tried EDTA CHELATION for few months, my cholesterol was in the borderline, I changes my diet and took all kind of supplements I also squesed grapefruit every morning with 2-3 fresh clove of garlic together (crushed) for quite few months, but the blockage seem to still be there, I also took the C- therapy (Linus Pauline Therapy) for 3 months. I feel better more energies, no chest pain, able to walk over a mile without short breath but in my last visit the stress echo test and the results of blood work were not encouraging and my Doc want me to have the surgery asap, (I did not tell him I stoped the statin drug).

I must missed something, can you help me? Regards

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Replied By Boysha (Victoria, Bc, Canada) on 04/15/2013

If I may contribute to this. I am 55 - I had 2 heart attacks in 1996. I was one of the people who wanted to find alternative treatment and not go under the knife first. I did Chelation Therapy in Toronto - done by Dr. Hui. However, as soon as he introduced Plaquex (intro-venus) I started to feel much, much improvement. You can find facts on Plaquex here:

I also changed my diet because if you keep on doing what you always did, it will not be possible for you to get better for long. I reduced meat to minimum and eat mostly vegetables and fruit. I drink pure water 4L per day. I take Turmeric , Sage, Q10, Vitamin E 1600/day... There is no one treatement that is enough.

I hope this helps.

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Replied By Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 08/24/2015

Hi Robert Henry,

Just wondering how you are feeling after the weekend? Since the chelation therapy has pretty much cleaned out your arteries, I imagine it was a heart rhythm or electrical glitch. You did good, my friend, with your choices of self treatment! Hope you are taking it a little easier than usual for a while and eating the just rewards of all your (and your tractor driver's) hard work this summer. Take care.

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Replied By Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 08/25/2015

HI U Rsw, , , , , , , , , , , ,

See my local doctor tomorrow to get a report on the EKG they took Friday. All my blood work is probably the best I've ever had. My CRP is low so I'm eat up with inflammation. I really don't have a clue how to address that. I am taking Beta Glucan to build my immune system in addressing my blood cancer.

I go Thursday to have a stress test done and will let the cardiologist interpret that. He's a big transplanted Texan, and we do the hand jive. I think you are right about this being an electrical problem and I will try to get him to address it with naturals and not rat poison.

An interesting story..... retired guy in one of my chelation groups had an electrical problem and his cardiologist told he could only live if had a pace maker. He whole life revolved around rebuilding old classic cars and this would end that because of the emf's associated with being close to running engines. He came to my chelation doctor, who told him his electrical heart problem was his electrolytes. He straightened that out and the old codger went back to rebuilding old cars. Is life interesting or what?

Thank you for your concern.=====ORH====

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Replied By Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 08/26/2015

Hi Robert Henry,

I've been reading that a low CRP means low inflammation, so maybe yours is good! Saw this table on the Life Extension site that may be of interest if you still feel it is high. CRP in men is suggested to be .55 or lower, in women 1 or lower.


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Replied By Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 08/27/2015

HI U Rsw, , , , , , , , , , , , , it appears that I misread and your are right about a low CRP result means low inflammation. I thank you. Maybe I'll live to 92 after all.

There are some researchers that say heart disease correlates with inflammation and not cholesterol.


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Replied By Flourishing (usa) on 04/24/2024

Cholesterol is a conspiracy to get your money. Cholesterol protects. It may be a result of crummy arteries, but removing it makes people have strokes and heart attacks. See the stats.

Replied By Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 08/27/2015

Hi Robert Henry,

What good news! I follow Dr. Duane Graveline and his legion of doctors who believe inflammation is THE cause of heart disease. Our bodies need cholesterol to function properly, especially our brains and hearts. The FDA recently stated that the cholesterol in the food we eat has little to no effect on our blood cholesterol levels, after practically ruining the egg and beef industries in the past. (although some high cholesterol foods may cause inflammation, like beef because of glycation and acidic issues) Cholesterol is said to be like a fireman at a fire. It repairs and is present in areas of damage done by inflammation and but does not cause it. Statins, by blocking cholesterol, CoQ10, dolichols and other pathways that are essential to our health along the mevalonate pathway, can cause all kinds of problems like CHD, muscle and nerve problems, and dementia in the future for those people who follow doctors orders, while they get about a 1% lower risk of a heart event over many years, and this 1% advantage occurs only in men who have had a previous event.

So you are doing a darn good job managing your inflammation and we all look forward to many more years of benefitting from your advice on health, gardening, and generally using our common sense. You are a gem, and I have a feeling your wife is, too!