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Crabby (Townsend, Delaware) on 05/20/2010
5 out of 5 stars

there are many different reasons for i had had was a fleck in gryoscope hairs in fluid in the ear.. the fleck keeps the hairs from flowing correctly ,,sending false imputs to the brain..

the cure is/was,, lay on back on bed.. head hanging off but neck supported neutral..then roll head to the right side for 10 seconds.. then back to neutral for 10 sec. .. then roll to left for 10 sec. .. then back to neutral.. it's hard to to do.. brain spinning at warp speed.. probably vomit. but hang in there.. what happens is by doing this clears the fleck .. like magic your good to go..

REPLY   2      

Replied By Zeninfinity (Santa Rosa, Ca, Usa) on 11/08/2011

What Crabby from Townsend is talking about The Epley Maneuver.

It is a great way to deal with a vertigo episode. I had a mild attack last week, did the Epley Maneuver and the room rocking back and forth stopped!

Here's a youtube video of this simple movement. I hope it works for you!